Criteria for the evaluation of discussion for alberta ca

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From Creating Critical Readers webinar series by Kylene Beers and Robert E. Probst

Criteria for the Evaluation of Discussion –Adapted

Alberta Program of Studies

The student/class. . . . Notes:

1. Outcome #1

Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings

and experiences

2. Outcome #5

Respect, support and

collaborate with others

3. Outcome #5

Respect, support and

collaborate with others

4. Outcome #2

Comprehend literature and other

text in oral, print, visual and

multimedia forms, and respond

personally, critically and creatively

5. Outcome #1

Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings

and experiences

6. Outcome #1

Explore thoughts, ideas,


From Creating Critical Readers webinar series by Kylene Beers and Robert E. Probst

feelings and experiences

7. Outcome #1

Explore thoughts, ideas,

feelings and experiences

8. Outcome #5

Respect, support and

collaborate with others

9. . Outcome #5

Respect, support and

collaborate with others

10. Outcome #2

Comprehend literature and other

text in oral, print, visual and

multimedia forms, and respond

personally, critically and creatively

11. Outcome #5

Respect, support and

collaborate with others

