Creative designing


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VisionSpreading Innovation AdTechnosys CapabilitiesJune, 2014


by us a creative agency

Creatives for XPAD

Designs to describe the features of

different tablets

Creatives for Water

Designs to describe the features of

different tablets

Creatives for Game of Legends

Designs to describe the features of

different tablets

Creatives for Vira’s Homeopathy

Designs to describe the features of

different tablets

Creatives for TIM Delhi Airport Advertising

Designs depicting how advertising at Delhi

Airport can be beneficial for

a brand

Creatives for Punjabi by Nature

Designs depicting how advertising at Delhi

Airport can be beneficial for

a brand

Creatives for Cosmic India

Designs to highlight Cosmic as a group, as

well as individual projects

Campaigns for Hygia Magic

Designs describing howHygia sanitizes the


Campaigns for Ankura Hospital

Designs describing howHygia sanitizes the


Campaigns for Hygia Magic

Infographics for Lohia Auto

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