Creating chaos Part1/2



My presentation at the 5th I

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Creating ChAos!Tathagat Varma

13-14 Jan 2012

So, why did Western economies grow so much and so fast from the time of Industrial Revolution ?

Why? •  1790: First US Patent issued •  1860: Japan studies and

copies US Patent system


•  There is a connection between Patents, Technology and Economic Growth

…Throughout human history, innovation has been a powerful force for transformation. This arguably holds true now more than ever… In high-income countries, studies have estimated that innovation accounts for as much as 80% of economy-wide growth in productivity. Research at the firm level has shown that firms that innovate outperform their non-innovating peers.

– The Changing Face of Innovation, WIPO Report 2011

Global Innovation Index 2011 Rank Country #1 Switzerland #2 Sweden #7 USA #10 UK #12 Germany #14 Israel #29 China #47 Brazil #62 India

Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass …....

…FAIL !!!








“Hard Thinking”

Job Performance



Creativity is now as important in education as literacy, and we should treat it with the same status – Sir Ken Robinson, TED2006

“…Our education system does a fairly good job of developing hard thinking skills, but there is not much to develop soft thinking. As a matter of fact, much of our education is geared toward eliminating soft thinking, or at best, teaching us to regard it as an inferior tool.”

– Roger von Oech,

A Whack on the Side of the Head

•  Soft thinking has many of the characteristics on the ‘soft’ list: it is metaphorical, approximate, humorous, playful, and capable of dealing with contradiction.

•  Hard thinking, on the other hand, tends to be more logical, precise, exact, specific and consistent

“...I was once teaching thinking to a class made up entirely of Nobel Prize winners.

Only one of those present had arrived at his or her breakthrough idea by systematic analysis. Every other person had reached the idea as a result of chance, mistake, anomaly or something going wrong.”

A person with high intelligence can take a position on a subject and then use their intelligence to defend that position very ably. The better the defense of that position, the less does that person see any need to consider alternatives or listen to others. That is not good thinking.

- Edward de Bono, Intelligence Information Thinking



It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory.

– Demming
