Convention presentation 2013 soc med4pd


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Social media for professional development




• Why social media for cpd?• Concerns/barriers• Finding (the right) people and information• Learning• Trends• Personal branding


Lianne Howard-Dace

Fundraiser, Feminist, Chatter-box, Girl Guide. Charity champion and digital enthusiast. Lover of cakes, crafts and vintage crockery...(views my own)



Lesley Pinder

Fundraiser / Digital wannabe / Trustee / Member of Elite Cycling Racing Team. Often going round and round in circles at Herne Hill Velodrome.



Lisa Clavering

Fledgling fundraiser; feisty female; sometimes fickle; often flippant; Londoner; chatterbox. Nascent runner. Views my own, of course



Why social media for cpd?



“How can you squander even one more day not taking advantage of the greatest shifts of our generation? How dare you settle for less when the world has made it so easy for you to be remarkable?”

- Seth Godin



Communication - the human connection - is the key to personal and career success.

Paul J. Meyer




Top Tips Dip your toe in the water Think about what you want to achieve Remember, it takes time to build your network Mix on and offline










Top Tips Don’t be afraid to give it a go Make sure you are clear about your boundaries and your organisations Find allies Don’t be a d*** ( copyright @lirazelf)



Finding (the right) people and information



Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information on it.

Samuel Johnson



Top Tips

Don’t be afraid to ask others Give as well as take Don’t be an egg! Look for opportunities to take it offline




“It is critical that you never stop aggressively learning your craft. The sector's needs change, techniques improve, and new thought leaders emerge everyday with ideas that will improve our quest to make the world a better place.”

Rosetta Thurman & Trista Harris



The one thing I've discovered about social media is that people love answering questions. In fact, it sometimes feels like at any given moment, millions of people are online who have been waiting for exactly the question you fire off.

Susan Orlean



Top Tips There's no such thing as a silly question Focus on the sector but look wider as well Think about what you can teach others, not just what you can learn from them Social media is a leveller





Next generation of UK Giving Report – Blackbaud


85% believe that standalone digital or social media marketing agencies will disappear.

“This next generation of marketing leaders clearly have a strong point of view on the future they will shape and create. It's clear to them that questions of silos and channels don't exist. They are agnostic about channel or medium.”

Anne Pflimlin, MediaSchool Group


Top Tips Social media is not going away. Don't be left behind Think about ways you can use social media personally and professionally Don't pigeon hole yourself

Personal branding





Top Tips Do be yourself – but know your boundaries Think about your filters Google yourself and see what you find At the very least keep your LinkedIn profile up-to-date

Over to you...
