Content marketing



Content drives the web. Content shows you know your subject. Content converts visitors to buyers. Is your content on your website, in blog posts and articles... Findable? Readable? Understandable? Actionable? Sharable?We're going to tell you how to write great content (even if you're not a good writer or creative), where to find content ideas, and what to do with the content you produce.Not all content is writing either, there are other formats you might like.As you've seen, we don't mess around and we don't waste your time. This into is hard-core, specific and easy to put into action. So, if you view producing content as a high school writing assignment, this is for you!

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Content Marketing Cookbook

Vicki Garcia, President

What is it?

• Content Marketing means creating and freely sharing informative content that will result in prospects becoming customers.

• Content Marketing is insight and advice that changes people and incites action.

The only measure of success that matters!

The Internet World Feeds on the Written Word


• Brand yourself and your business• Position your company as one that

understands it’s customers• Educate and encourage your market to follow

you• Generate new leads• Build your database• Increase your visibility

What Content are we Talking About?

• Blog posts• Website• Social Media Discussions• Articles• Ebooks• White Papers• Email newsletters• Slides

Can the Reader Find it?

Can the Reader Find it?

Look for Keywords Before you Write!

Use the article URL

Just Google “keyword tool”

Where to Get Writing Ideas

•••• Twitter search• Follow bloggers• Troll magazines & email newsletters

Can the Reader Read it?

Can the Reader Read it?

Can the Reader Understand it?

Can the Reader Understand it?

Will it Move the Reader?

Will it Move the Reader?

Will the Reader Pass it On?

Will the Reader Pass it On?

A Few Other Ideas

• Put your own agenda aside and put your prospect’s agenda at the heart of it

• Pick a single topic that matters and hammer it• Try other formats like graphics and video• Create a micro website on a specific topic• Find your voice, let your personality shine


Make it Sticky

• Keep it Simple• Be Interesting and Unexpected• Use Real Things and People• Guard Your Credibility• Don’t be Afraid of Emotion or Passion• Use Stories

Don’t Want to Write?

• Become a Content “Curator”• Content curation is the identifying, selecting and sharing of

content that is meaningful to a specific target audience


What Does Vicki’s Company Do?

Vicki Garcia, President

•Website Design•Conversion Strategies•Search Engine Optimization•Marketing Coaching•Social Media •Ad Campaigns (TV & Print)•Graphic Design/Branding•Public Relations

