Columbia country report



Agriculture represents 8.5% of the GDP and employs more than 18% of the active population. Due to the climate and the topography of the country, agriculture is extensive and very varied, and contributes to 75% of the export revenues. Colombia's main crops are coffee, bananas, cut flowers, cotton, sugarcane, livestock, rice and corn. The cultivated lands hardly take up 8% of the country's total surface area. Colombia has also many natural resources such as coal, oil, natural gas, iron ore, nickel and gold. Industry represents around 36% of the GDP and employs nearly 20% of the population. Colombia's main industries are textile, chemical products, metallurgy, cement, cardboard containers, plastic resins and beverages. Colombia's main economic sector is the services sector, which represents more than 55% of the GDP and employs nearly 60% of the active population.

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Main Industry SectorsEconomic OverviewForeign Direct Investment [FDI]FDI Government MeasuresCountry Strong PointsCountry Weak PointsForeign Trade Overview


Agriculture represents 8.5% of the GDP and employs more than 18% of the active population.

Due to the climate and the topography of the country, agriculture is extensive and very varied, and

contributes to 75% of the export revenues.

Colombia's main crops are coffee, bananas, cut flowers, cotton, sugarcane, livestock, rice and corn.

The cultivated lands hardly take up 8% of the country's total surface area. Colombia has also many

natural resources such as coal, oil, natural gas, iron ore, nickel and gold.

Industry represents around 36% of the GDP and employs nearly 20% of the population.

Colombia's main industries are textile, chemical products, metallurgy, cement, cardboard containers,

plastic resins and beverages.

Colombia's main economic sector is the services sector, which represents more than 55% of the GDP

and employs nearly 60% of the active population.


After two consecutive years of a growth rate higher than 6%, Colombia's economy had to

endure the effects of the global economic crisis (collapse in prices of export products,

reduction of the American demand) and recorded a growth of 0.8% in 2009. 

The growth revived vigorously in 2010 (4.7%) supported by the increase on public

expenses favoring investment and consumption. 

The authorities have taken measures to preserve the public finances (in a chronic deficit),

mainly by imposing restrictions in issuing bank credits and by keeping the stability of the

macro-economic indicators. 


  Columbia new government of president Santos has launched an ambitious program of

reforms aiming to reinforce taxes, to improve the management of territorial income drawn

by royalties, to increase competitiveness and to control the Peso appreciation. 

The fight against poverty and the development of real estate are also part of the


Under the effect of the crisis, the unemployment rate reached 12% of the active

population, and more than half of the Colombian people continue to work in the informal


The purchasing power of Colombians has decreased, the rise in the cost of living is

around 7.5%. 

The poverty level remains high (45%), inequalities are strong and despite the retreat of

the guerrillas, the internal conflict persists, which was the origin of the expatriation of more

than 3 million persons.


The improvement of  the security conditions during these recent years has contributed to

re-establish investor's confidence. 

FDI inflows have attained a record level in 2008. 

Despite a slowdown of FDI flows in 2009 due to the global economic crisis, foreign

investors remain present in Colombia. 

The two main destinations of FDI are the hydrocarbon and mining sectors, but a

diversification of FDI has been observed in the last recent years.  

The negotiations that Colombia has done by signing free-trade agreements and the

establishment of special regulations in the free zones have contributed to improve the

country's appeal. 

The richness of its natural resources, a significant domestic market, an open and stable

legal frame and its reputation as an exemplary debtor are some of Colombia's major



The Colombian government is reaping the fruits of the policy it implemented to secure

democracy, whose objective is to create favorable economic conditions in order to once

again, give investors confidence, especially foreign investors.

The government has put efforts into concluding free trade agreements, namely through

an association agreement as well as a series of agreements in the area of investments in

the European Union, aimed at developing a stable and transparent economic

environment in which contributions in capital can prosper. 

COUNTRY STRONG POINTS Colombia’’a main strong points are:

Its economic stability: Despite the crisis, the government was able to maintain its growth at 2.5%;

Its political stability: Contrary to what is believed, Colombia's democracy is the oldest and most stable

on the South American continent;

Recovered foreign investor confidence:

Foreign investment increased significantly and reached USD 6.295 million in 2006.

More than 700 multinational companies launched investment programs in Colombia; 

Qualified and competitive human resources:

Colombian workers are amongst the best qualified in Latin America.

In effect, the country has a very good education system and the literacy rate is around 95%;

A Strategic Geographic Location: Colombia is a strategic point between the different markets of the


The country has modern port facilities on both the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans, which facilitates

trade with European countries, the United States, or Asian countries;

Its status as an export platform:

Through various free trade agreements it has made, Colombia has access to a market

of almost 1,200 billion people;

Numerous development centers; 

Infrastructures which are both numerous and modern.


Although a sharp improvement was noted regarding security matters, violence remains the

country's principle weak point.

Colombia is also the primary producer of coca in the world.

Commercial risk is ranked at C, which is a very high level.


Colombia's foreign trade represents about one third of the GDP.

Colombia has signed trade agreements  with Chile, the CAN countries (Andean

Community), MERCOSUR countries, Central American and Caribbean countries, and the European


It has also signed free trade treaties  with Chile, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Canada,

Mexico, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and the United States.  

The country mainly exports oil, coal, coffee, flowers, textile products, ferronickel, bananas and

chemical products.

Its main clients are the United States, Venezuela and the Netherlands. 

Imports are constituted mainly of machinery and equipment, grains, chemical products, transport

equipment, electric and electronic equipment. 

Colombia's main suppliers are the United States, China, Mexico and Brazil.  Colombia's trade

balance has seen its surplus increase in 2010. 

The political tensions with Venezuela, who penalizes Colombian exports, could always play a

negative role in this balance surplus.


Market Opportunities of products and Services in Columbia.

Export and investment sector opportunities in Columbia.

Overview of Trade Regulations, Customs and Standards Columbia.

Columbia Investment guide for beginners.

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