Christmas janotka


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Christmas traditions in our family and our city

We celebrate Christmas every year at 24 December. Every country and even city has its own Christmas habits. I will describe Christmas customs in our family and our city.

Christmas recipe My favorite Christmas cakes are gingerbreads. Here is a recipe:

500g of flour, 150g of honey, 200g of sugar, two eggs, one bag of gingerbread powder,80g of butter,

5g of sodium bicarbonate, one yolk.

Procedure: Mix all ingredients together and form brown dough. Roll the dough and cut small gingerbread cookies. At the end, put the egg yolk on the gingerbreads and bake.

Buying giftsI buy gifts for my relatives on 18th December. I

usually buy them in Malacky.I always buy gifts for 8 people. And

I wrap them nicely.

Decorating the treeOn 23 December, we decorate the Christmas tree

with beautiful Christmas decoration. Mum makes punch. And we can start to work. The whole family decorates our Christmas tree. In the afternoon, daddy kills the carp.

Christmas Eve dinner

We have cabbage soup for dinner and carp with potato salad. After the dinner, we have fruits and cakes. Then we go to the tree.

Christmas giftsAfter the dinner we exchange gifts. We open

them one by one. On 25 December we go to thegrandparents. The rest of our family members come there too. We exchange all gifts together there.

Christmas markets in MalackyIn Malacky, there are Christmas markets each

year.At markets you can buy sweets and toys. On

Sundays we light candles on the Advent wreath.

Christmas shopping

It is also a big rush in the shops. There are lot of people everywhere.And everyone is stressed.After Christmas it is peace.Shops are nearly empty.

Don’t ForgetIn the last few years people usually

forget the time of love and grace that Christams time brings. They forget the basic Christas ideas.

They are nervous and stressed. They are focused mainly on shopping. Don’t forget to be nice and kind to each other.
