Chapter 23 and 24, mk


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Chapter 23

The American SystemMorton Grodzins

The American System

• Simple government

• Important democratic ideal: that citizens understand public institutions

• However, the American government is not simple

“A given citizen may be buried under a whole

pyramid of governments.”

The American System

• In the United States, there are three general levels of government




• The Federal, State, and Local governments are interconnected (Shared Functions)

Political Parties

Political Parties play a key role in the function and structure of the American government.

The chaos of structure and function in the American government is matched by a chaos of political process.

Downfall of the Uneducated Citizen

Government by Chaos and Cooperation

All levels of American government share the same function.

The American government can be described as a marble or rainbow cake

The American system is one government serving a common people for a common end.

Chapter 24

Organizations of the FutureWarren Bennis


What is Bureaucracy?

• Author Warren Bennis predicts the end of bureaucracy in the next 25 to 50 years and the rise of new social systems better suited to meets the 20th Century demands of industrialization

Why is Bureaucracy Vulnerable

4 reasonsRapid and Unexpected Change

Growth in Size

Complexity of Modern Technology

Change in Managerial Behavior

Managerial Behavior

New Concept of Man

New Concept of Power

New Concept of Organizational Value

“The real push for these changes stems from some powerful needs, not only to humanize the organization, but to use the organization as a crucible of personal growth and development, for self realization.”

Core Organization Problems


Social Influence




“How organizations cope with and manage these tasks will undoubtedly determine the viability and growth of the enterprise.”

Organizations of the Future

The Environment

Population Characteristics

Work Values

Tasks and Goals



Training Requirements for the Future

Training for Change

Systems Counseling

Changing Motivation

Socialization for Adults

Developing Problem-Solving Teams

Developing Supra-Organizational Goals and Commitments
