Case study questions Engineering Economics


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Find the simple interest rate per year required to accumulate the same amount money in 5 years at 15% per year compound interest

The time taken for the money to triple the simple interest of 10% per year is close to

An investment of $10,000 ten years ago has accumulated to 25,000 now. Find the compound ROR earned on the investment closest to

You deposit $1000 now and you want the account to have a value as close to $8740 as possible in year 20. Assume the account earns interest at 10%per year. The year which you must make a deposit of 1000$

A manufacturer of tygon tubing wants to have 30,000 available 10 years from now

The present worth of $1000 in year 1 and amounts increasing by $50 per year through year 5 at an interest rate of 10% per year is closest to

Find the present worth and annual worth of $5000 in year 1 and amounts increasing by 9% per year through year 15. Use an interest rate of 10% per year

A Dubai sewage company trying is trying to decide among three alternatives

UAE engineering company is trying to decide between microprocessors to manufacture. The cost associated with each microprocessors are shown below

RAK toy company manufactures hover boards. They are planning to expand their business units and have come up with 2 alternatives. Calculate the future worth of these two. I = 10%

The HCT university lab is a research contractor with NASA for in-space fuel cell systems that are hydrogen and methanol based. During the lab research, three equal service machines to be evaluated. 200 at the end of the year

Two alternatives have been examined on the basis of their capital cost using I=12%

Bob, a philanthropist is not sure what ROR his gifts may realise once donated to his favorite charity.

Find the capitalized cost of a present worth of 300,000 annual cost 35000, periodic costs 75,000 5 years. I = 12%

AlAin computer company designs and sells signal machines. The company is trying to decide on wether to buy

BHP manufacturing is considering of a machine for 500,000
