Case Discussion - Du Pont



Presentation of Case: Du Pont by Group Discussion 2 From book: Managing Organizational Change Palmer, Dunford, Akin

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  • 1. Change Management DuPont TUTORIAL - A DG 2
  • 2. DuPonts Change Case Summary Greeting employees by name, major employer. Manufacturing operation had been shut down, equipment dismantled and sent overseas. these changing operations are pretty usual. Change management is not a rubric used to either accomplish or explain what was going on. No formal change management design, yet the company keeps changing rapidly. Changes is coming and continuously different. Plant Manager comes to academicians (positioned as consultant) and seeks latest thinking in business for his operation. Consultant appreciate what is good and build strength more, work better. No specific issue, just to continuously improve. Studies on how organization practice takes place and its culture. The study then used to even deeper understanding and better interpretation of meaning of effective work, improve good practice and could render problem less troublesome even if unsolved. Use it for framework on expectations, measurement, pre-interpret result, and learn from possible negative mistakes.
  • 3. No. 1 Change Approaches Embedded A. Organizational Development Steps: Tom does identify problems of just need for continuous improvement (Unfreeze), Gib Akin become consultant in practice, He gathers data, then diagnose possible improvement, give it as feedback to Tom, joint problem diagnosis, joint action implementation planning, change actions and experiments, further data gathering by assessing impacts Characters: Tom (as top of organization) & Akin (OD practitioner) does plan for improvement with provision (Movement), which aims for effectiveness in work (development value), in longterm context (incremental) and action-oriented, by changing behaviors of people through experience and experiment (democratic/justice value) in groups (Refreezing). B. Appreciative Inquiry Dupont discover the best of what is already practiced, build what the future better work could be, design the implementation for sustainability. They dream about what could be in the future, appreciate what is good and design more ideal strength, so that work could be destined to be more effective and efficient at the same time C. Sense-making Identity constructed since the effort is to make powerful strength, make it social and acted, while sense is keep developed through many experiments, through each must have different retrospect and plausibilities. But basically, all is being sensed of understanding and shaped interpretation toward changes to have framework of more effective work, consider
  • 4. No. 2 Compatibility of Approaches & Utilize Insights All three approaches are compatible with each other. While OD focus on : development (proved by the need for continuous improvement) Appreciative Inquiry does the part of realizing strengths (proved by assessing what is right and tries to be better) Sense-making develop the understanding and interpretation of change that requires framework and improvement through experiment and learning, plus the change itself is eternal.
  • 5. No. 3 Steps in Managing Change Planting deeper understanding to all employees that this Orlon closure is something that is worth learning. Identify possible change implementation issue for development, appreciate all good things in Orlon, and making sense of change to everyone in company. Communicate the interpretation that Orlon closure is another experiment that people could digest to and build more development to own company strength and culture.