Build Better Products Faster: The Playbook for Customer-Driven Development



We all have a vision for our products--how they should look and what features they should have. But it's easy to get so wrapped up in the development of the product that you can lose sight of who it's really for: the customer. When was the last time you spoke to one of your customers and incorporated their needs and feedback into your design? If you can't remember, then you're doing it wrong. Christopher O'Donnell, product management expert and head of HubSpot's new Signals product, will teach you how to build better products for your customers in less time than ever before and why Agile is dead. What You'll Learn Incorporate valuable user feedback into your product in real time Beat your competition by moving 2x faster than an "agile" development model Motivate your team by tying their contributions to actual customer pain Deliver an amazing experience for all your customers

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Build Better Products Faster: The Playbook for Customer-Driven Development


Christopher O’DonnellChristopher O'Donnell is VP of Sales Products GM of Signals at HubSpot. Christopher joined HubSpot as a part of the Performable acquisition in June of 2011. Prior to joining Performable, in Fall of 2010, Christopher managed a team of designers and product managers serving the largest customers in the world: our nation's various military and intelligence organizations. In parallel, he started and drove a content-driven social media marketing effort that today boasts over a million readers. Prior to working in online marketing and product development, Christopher operated a music production business, where he put his B.A. in Music from Brown University to good use.

Better Products, Faster

The Playbook for Customer-Driven Development !Christopher O’Donnell, VP of Sales Products - GM, Signals // HubSpot

The only people who call their customers users are drug dealers and product managers


Products are for people

Let’s start with what you expect out of a product experience. !!

emily and pandora


!“I don’t even know where I would complain or let them know.” - emily


The thing about bugs is … where there is one report there are thousands of the same that you don’t see.

Instant response

You expect it. !Your customers expect it. !It’s an opportunity: 1) to learn and improve the product in real time 2) to WOW people and get free marketing

Instant response

The “Typo Test”

How long does it take your team to fix a typo in your product? ! This simple test is a terrific way to evaluate your process and tooling !!!!

Your answer should be “under five minutes”

Instant response

The Unfair Advantage

Housecleaners vs. Exterminators * Support reps are amazing and wonderful and resourceful BUT they can’t resolve issues * Developers get a ticket twice and they resolve the issue for good. * Fewer tickets, and better product




Consistent Progress

Establish a monthly cadence !* Address biggest complaint every month !* Address biggest customer request each month !* Ship two/three exciting, demoable features - live for customers

Consistent Progress

Bring it to the world !* Company-wide demo (5 mins) !* Internal product announcement and PR !* Customer announcement - aligned with product messaging: clear before/after shown - segmented email send (yey gifs!)

!!“Who are you building for?” !“Is this for me?” !“Am I your target customer?”

Fulfill the promise

!It takes years. !Stay on your grind.



!Respond instantly to feedback and issues. !Consistently show progress, reward loyalty. !Aim high with your promise, work to realize it.

Takeaway and THANK YOU!

! !@markitecht !

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