British MPs and their expenses


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So, so, so, Scandalous MPs

Douglas Alexander spent more than £30,000 doing up his constituency home – which then suffered damage in a house fire.

Ed Balls and wife Yvette Cooper “flipped” the designation of their second home to three different properties within two years

Tony Blair re-mortgaged his constituency home and claimed almost a third of the interest around the time he was buying another property in London

Hazel Blears did not pay capital gains tax on a property she sold despite having told the Commons authorities it was her second home. She has since agreed to paid the tax but denied any wrongdoing.

Michael Martin used taxpayers' money to pay for chauffeur-driven cars to his local job centre and Celtic's football ground

Jack Straw only paid half the amount of council tax that he claimed on his parliamentary allowances over four years but later rectified the over-claim

George Osborne was rebuked by the Commons authorities for using public money to fund his "political" website.

Kenneth Clarke managed to avoid paying the full rate of council tax on either of his two homes by effectively claiming that neither is his main residence.

