Bosco Uganda ICT Handbook: Curriculum Guide



This curriculum guide was produced by BOSCO-Uganda staff to assist trainers in implementing BOSCO's Web 2.0 and Office training packages (available as separate documents.)

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For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


Battery Operated Systems for Community Outreach






P.O. Box 200, Gulu, Northern Uganda, East Africa

E-mail: ; Website:

For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


Table of contents Page


Preamble ......................................................................................................................................... 5

SECTION I - CURRICULUM GUIDE ....................................................................................... 9

1.0 GENERAL INTRODUCTION (DURATION: 6 HOURS) ....................................... 12

1.1 Session: Official Opening (10 minutes) ................................................................ 12

1.2 Session: Self introductions (20 minutes) ............................................................. 13

1.3 Session: Expectations and fears of each participant (20 minutes) ................... 14

1.4 Session: Objectives of the training (20 minutes) ................................................ 15

1.5 Session: BOSCO-Uganda program expectations (30 minutes) ......................... 16

1.6 Session: Assessment of training needs of the users (20 minutes) .................... 17

1.7 Session: Introduction to and the benefits of the computer ............................... 18

(1 hour 30 minutes) ........................................................................................................... 18

1.8 Session: The Key Board & Word Processing (1 hour 30 minutes) .................... 19

1.9 Session: Evaluation (1 hour) .................................................................................. 20

2.0 SEARCH ENGINES & CONTENT DEVELOPMENT (4 hours) ............................ 23

2.1 Session: Search engines (30 minutes) .................................................................. 23

2.2 Session: Writing articles (2 hour 30 minutes) ..................................................... 24

2.3 Session: Evaluation (1 hour) .................................................................................. 26

3.0 ON-LINE COLLABORATION (20 hours) ................................................................ 28

3.1 Session: Electronic mails (1 hour 30 minutes) .................................................... 28

3.2 Session: BOSCO-Uganda Intranet (1 hour) ......................................................... 29

3.3 Session: Google maps & Documents (1 hour 30 minutes) ................................. 31

3.4 Session: BOSCO-Uganda wiki spaces (14 hours) ................................................ 32

3.5 Session: Evaluation (1 hour) .................................................................................. 33

3.6 Session: Social media tools (1 hour) ...................................................................... 35

For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


4.0 GENERAL PRACTICE, RESEARCH & EVALUATIONS (7 hours) ...................... 36

4.1 Session: Ms. Excel, Power Point & Publisher ...................................................... 36

4.2 Session: Monitoring & Evaluation forms ............................................................. 37

4.2.6 Annex 6 - Copy of Monthly Book Keeping ............................................................... 43

4.2.7 Annex 7 - Material/Equipment Checklist ................................................................ 44

4.2.8 Annex 8 – Windows & Linux ..................................................................................... 45

4.2.9. Annex 9 - Acknowledgement and Special thanks to: ............................................ 46

For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


List of Acronyms

BOSCO…………………………………… Battery Operated Systems for Community Outreach

BOSCO-Uganda………… Battery Operated Systems for Community Outreach-Uganda

Web 2.0……………………………………Website Applications 2.0

ICT…………………………………………Information and Communication Technology

TOTs………………………………………Trainer of Trainers and Trainer of trainees

5WsH………………………………………What, When, Where, Who, Why and How

MS…………………………………………Microsoft Office

URL………………………………………..Uniform Resource Locator

MDGs………………………………………Millennium Development Goals

EMAIL……………………………………..Electronic Mail

GMAIL…………………………………….Google Mail

CC………………………………………….Carbon Copy

BCC………………………………………..Black Carbon Copy

WWW……………………………………...World Wide Web(site)

HTTP………………………………………Hypertext Transfer Protocol

NB…………………………………………Nota Bene (Note Well)

For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model



Part one of the ICT Handbook is structured as follows:






Section IIA-Children

Training Package

Section IIB-General

Training Package

Chapter I: General


Chapter II: Web 2.0


Chapter III: Office


The Hand Book is designed to:

1) Encourage learners and communities in general, to develop a culture of listening,

speaking, reading and writing/note taking

2) Embrace different categories of learners, specifically;

Fast and slow learners

Luo & English speaking

Children. Topics specifically relevant for children are; computers, email, Face

Book and Search Engines.

Youth and adults

Rural and urban communities

For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


Conflict and post-conflict affected persons

ICT literate and illiterate; those that have touched or never touched a

computer as reflected by some of the expectations and fears below expressed

by participants before training and actual preparation of this package;

Expectations Fears

Experience sharing with all


Transport refund and allowances

Main Office tour of BOSCO-Uganda

Certificate issuing after the basic ICT



Effective training

Meeting only youth

We are going to get computer support

from BOSCO-Uganda

Getting good knowledge on the

computer especially internet

Good welcome

We shall be persons who have

something on computers/ICT

We shall be given hard parts as an


Change of environment

First time to begin training on


Fear of using the computer

Fear of laughter when I fail to use the


Computers/laptops will not be enough

during the training

Only English language will be used

Electricity (Power cuts)

Late lunch is not needed due to ulcer


Limited time to know all the expected


For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


What is computer?-we are going to


Apply the knowledge acquired to help

my fellow staff and community

Adventuring new environment

New friends

Practical operation of the computer

Unfavorable weather conditions like


Criticism of being illiterate

Others may not understand well in

their training since there are some who

may not be literate

How difficult it is to operate a


Operating a computer since it is my

first time

This document can be used by anyone anywhere; however the package is specially

designed for communities of Acholi sub-region with the aim of meeting BOSCO-Uganda

Programme goals towards the benefit of communities in the target area. In Acholi sub

region, the local language - Luo/Acholi shall be the medium of instruction. Where need

be, English shall be used (with the help of a local/person alongside to translate into the

local language). In addition, focusing on the topic of Content development- articles

could be written in English or the local language/luo (the Luo language can be used as

medium of communication on the intranet and wikispaces)

For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


Battery Operated Systems for Community Outreach-Uganda (BOSCO-Uganda) was

established in 2006 under the umbrella of Gulu Archdiocese in Northern Uganda, with

the mission to “provide innovative Information and Communication

Technology (ICT) solutions using a collaborative and Internet approach to

foster socio-economic development and peace building in rural

communities in Northern Uganda”.

For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model



The Curriculum Guide is aimed at guiding the Trainers of Trainers and Trainers of

Trainees (TOTs) to ensure that there is a uniform approach to training and

knowledge/information shared. It provides the approach to the training. The TOTs need

to follow the Curriculum Guide while making reference of the corresponding lessons in

the Training package. Therefore;

1) For Windows applications we use MS Office applications and Open Office

Applications for Linux Systems. Below are some of the major differences between

Linux and Windows operating Systems.

Windows Linux

Up sides Windows is the world leader

in PCs loaded with their


Windows has an easy to use

user interface which can be

learned easily.

Windows has the largest user

base of any operating system


Windows has the most

software available for it

Windows has the largest

number of developers of any


Linux is very powerful

Linux typically

requires less system

resources to run the

operating system

leaving more system

resources for the

applications which are

running on the


Many linux

distributions are open

source so you have full

source code access

Many Linux

For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


Microsoft has a large

technical support department

available to support technical


Systems administrators are

many and can be easily found

to support your corporate


distributions are free

to install and use

Protects the computer

from virus attacks

which security is the

reason linux is

popular at the

BOSCO-Uganda sites;

thus is the major basis

for BOSCO-Uganda


Down Sides

Windows is closed source,

meaning that you cannot view

or modify the source code of

the operating system.

Because there are so many

applications available it can

take you a while to find the

application that you like the


Windows licenses are very

expensive to purchase with

the Enterprise Edition of

Windows Server costing

several thousand dollars per


Computer easily attacked by

virus if antivirus is not

There are much fewer

Linux admins

available for hire.

Top notch Linux

admins can be hard to


Linux admins are

typically more

expensive to hire than

Windows admins.

Finding support can

be more difficult as

same companies who

distribute the

software do not have

large support

For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model




Linux can be more

complex to setup for

users who are not

familiar with it.

The user interface is

not as easy to use.

2) It is recommended that at least two TOTs assist each other to facilitate each session

together (one Leads and the other co-facilitates)

3) This training only provides basic skills on Information and Communication

Technology (ICT); TOTs and learners/community are expected to do additional

reading or research to guide and enhance their training capacity. At most two

learners per computer per session.

4) Apart from Introduction to computers, all theoretical introductions should not

exceed 10 minutes thus the rest of the time allocated goes to practical

illustrations/work and hands-on learning.

The curriculum guide has got a time allocation (35 hours) for the topics to be covered;

but it is up to the TOT (s) and learners to agree on additional time for breaks where need

be. It could also be adjusted to suit both residential and non-residential trainings thus

can be adjusted accordingly.

For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model



1.1 Session: Official Opening (10 minutes)

Session objective

To give learners a sense of belonging


Session outline

Opening prayer

Welcome Remarks


For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


1.2 Session: Self introductions (20 minutes)

Session Objective

To create a more free and comfortable atmosphere


Session outline:

Ensure the participants are in pairs. They could sit or stand in the training room

or outside at the compound.

In pairs, each one tells the other his/her name, occupation (what they do), site

represented, likes and dislikes.

In a collective session, each one introduces the partner by mentioning the name,

occupation (what they do), site represented, likes and dislikes.


For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


1.3 Session: Expectations and fears of each participant (20 minutes)


Session objectives

To give learners a greater sense of belonging

To ensure the actual objectives of the training are clearly understood

Session outline

Each participant improvises a pen and paper

Without mentioning names, each participant writes her/his expectations on a

piece of paper to submit

Without mentioning names, each participant writes her/his fears on a separate

piece of paper to submit

Each participant submits the two pieces of paper (fears and expectations) to the

TOT (s)

The TOT displays the expectations and fears in the open e.g. training room wall

The TOT reads out the fears and expectations aloud while addressing issues


For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


arising through clarifying, encouraging etc

Emphasize that there are no allowances (sitting, transport etc) to the free

education/training service issued

Together with the learners, revisit the expectations and fears at the end of the

training as a means of evaluation

1.4 Session: Objectives of the training (20 minutes)


Session objectives

To ensure that communities understand that BOSCO-Uganda is not an Internet

Service Provider

To ensure that communities understand that the aim of the training is to assist in

speeding up development at individual and community level

To enable learners understand that even with internet interruptions, off-line and

intranet related work can still go on.


For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


Session outline

In a 5 minutes collective discussion, the learners are asked to share their thoughts

on what could be the aim of the training

With reference to the notes in the Training Package, the ICT basic skills training

objectives are introduced and explained to the learners

As wrap up on the session, learners are made to understand that the programme

is to empower community members who should in turn pass on the skills

acquired to fellow community members for common-social welfare.

1.5 Session: BOSCO-Uganda program expectations (30 minutes)


Session objectives

To ensure communities understand that BOSCO-Uganda programme is only a

contribution to already running community development initiatives at village,

parish and sub county levels and therefore, communities are expected to embrace

the ownership of the programme.


For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


Session outline

In 5 minutes, ask the learners what they know about BOSCO-Uganda


With reference to the notes in the Training Package, explain BOSCO-Uganda

Programme expectations to the learners

1.6 Session: Assessment of training needs of the users (20 minutes)


Session Objectives

To assess the training needs of the learners

To ensure that all the learners with different levels of knowledge feel equally


Session outline


For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


Explain the displayed assessment questions to the learners (please refer to the

Training Package for assessment form).

Assess the training needs of the learners.

During the assessment; the TOT (s) should look out for the learners’ ICT

knowledge (theory and practice).

Group the learners-pair the learners mindful of levels of ICT knowledge.

Encourage active interaction and knowledge sharing amongst the different ICT

knowledge levels to enhance learning

1.7 Session: Introduction to and the benefits of the computer

(1 hour 30 minutes)


Session objective

To introduce to the learners the basics on computer hard ware and soft ware

Session outline


For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


With reference to the Training Package, in an interactive way, introduce the

basics of Computers

Remember to create an awareness on basic computer management and handling

1.8 Session: The Key Board & Word Processing (1 hour 30 minutes)


Session objectives

To familiarize learners to the basics of the key board

To introduce learners to the basics of Word Processing

Session outline

Theoretical introduction to the key board (10 minutes)

Practical illustrations/instructions on the Key Board (30 minutes)-For every key

introduced, learners should be given the opportunity to try it out practically (50


On Word Processing topic, the TOT (s) instruct (s) the learners to do as below;


For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


Open Ms. Word/Open Office writer document (new and existing)

Naming and saving a new file

Editing and saving an existing file

Highlighting, Bolding, Italics and Underlining words etc

Aligning texts

Saving in folders

Font sizes and types

Encourage learners to practice word processing and the key board

1.9 Session: Evaluation (1 hour)


Session Objective

To help the learners understand the different uses and advantages of the


Session outline


For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


While outside the training room, randomly ask the learner at random to take the

rest of the group through an energizer/game for 5 minutes

Learners stand in a circle together with other TOTs. One TOT stands inside the

circle to facilitate the evaluation of the previous topics covered. Questions to ask

learners include;

What is a computer?

What is the difference between computer hardware and computer soft


Give examples of computer hardware

Give examples of computer software

How do you switch on (Power on) a computer?

How do you switch off (Power off) the computer?

What are the Dos and Don’ts regarding computer usage?

How do you open a new Ms. Word/open office writer document?

How do you open an existing Ms. Word/open office writer document?

How do you go about naming and saving a new file?

How do you go about editing and saving an existing file?

How do you go about highlighting, Bolding, Italics and underlining?

Name the different ways of aligning texts?

What is a folder?

What is the difference between a folder and a file?

How do you go about saving in folders?

What are font sizes and types; and when do you use them?

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Ensure atleast each learner participates in one or more questions asked.

After the learners have attempted the questions, the TOTs collaboratively provide

the answers to each of the questions as a form of refresher.

Ask the learners to share what they think could be the benefits/advantages of the


The TOT explains the advantages of the computer with reference to the notes in

the Training Package

Before starting a new topic, the TOT should make sure that what has not been

understood by the learners is explained.

Group wraps up with a game of about 5 minutes

For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model



2.1 Session: Search engines (30 minutes)

Session objectives

To equip the learners with the basic skills for on-line information gathering

Session outline

Give a brief explanation of what search engines are with examples (e.g. Bing,

Google, Wikipedia, yahoo, etc) and their importance in 10 minutes

Explain the difference between search bars and address bars

Ask the learners to think of what they need to discover and use the preferred

search engine to learn more about their area of interest.

Tell the learners that Google has provision for local languages like Luo; the TOT

(s) show (s) the learners

Tell the learners that they may want to use the search engines later to back their

content through facts and statistics

Tell the learners that if they are copying the exact words or photographs from the

internet etc, they should quote the source for legal (copy right) reasons

For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


2.2 Session: Writing articles (2 hour 30 minutes)


Session objective

Explain the basic research questions (5WsH) to inform the article writing

Session outline

Introduce the 5WsH (below) concept to the learners

Who is it about?

What happened (what's the story)?

When did it take place?

Where did it take place?

Why did it happen?

How did it happen?

Explain that the concept (research questions) is regarded as basics in information


Explain that the research questions are only a checklist to ensure complete

information gathering.


For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


Explain that the article should be flowing in the order of: Introduction-Body-


Task the learners to read more on article writing for example, developing a topic


Ask a pair (s) of learners to talk about themselves through a role play; and in a

collective session comment on individual profiles presented to establish if the

5WsH concept has been observed to give room for comments and improvement.

Task the learners to develop their individual profiles during their free time and

save it for future reference/usage.

Introduce topical issues (e.g. Millennium Development Goals, culture or other

developmental topics of interests), encourage further reading and research

towards content development.

Divide the learners into groups/teams.

Task each group to identify a topic and write an article about it using their

communities as a case study. The article doesn’t always have to be a problem but

also achievements; or both (positive and negative) because communities also

have nice things happening around.

Task the groups to back their articles with photos that speak; show the learners

how to take photos, download, save, edit (cropping & re-sizing) and uploading.

After instructions, learners go for group work for 1 (one) hour. Learners type out

and save their work in Ms. Word/open office writer. Members define their group


For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


In a collective session, discuss and comment on each article for learning and

improvement purposes with reference to the 5WsH concept.

2.3 Session: Evaluation (1 hour)

Session objectives

Recap the previous topics

To help the learners understand the benefits of the Internet and on-line


Session outline

While outside the training room, ask the learners to take the rest of group

through an energizer/game for 5 minutes

Learners stand in a circle together with other TOTs. One TOT stands inside the

circle to facilitate evaluation of the previous topics covered. Questions to ask

learners include;

Name the different types of search engines?

What is the difference between the search bars and address bars

For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


What is 5WsH and what is it used for?

How many Millennium Development Goals exist?

Mention all the Millennium Development Goals.

Ensure each learner participates

After the learners have attempted the questions, the TOT (s) collaboratively

provide the answers to each of the questions

Ask the learners to share what they think is the definition of the internet; and are

the benefits/advantages of the internet?

The TOTs explain the benefits/advantages of the internet with reference to the

Training Package.

Before starting a new topic, the TOTs should make sure that what has not been

understood by the learners is explained.

Group wraps up with a game for 5 minutes

For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model



3.1 Session: Electronic mails (1 hour 30 minutes)


Session objective

To enable learners use electronic emails to ease communication

Session outline

Theoretical introduction to electronic mails (10 minutes)

After a brainstorm by the users, explain the advantages and disadvantages of


Find out how many have got email accounts

Emphasize the need to own an email

Explain the Dos and Don’ts regarding email

Explain the basic steps to follow if one needed to change passwords

Emphasize the need to remember usernames and passwords

Find out how many have got Gmail accounts

Explain that for purposes of the program activities Gmail accounts shall be used

because it is most compatible to future on-line activities we shall be involved in

Encourage the learners to maintain the same password for all accounts for easy


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Take the learners without Gmail accounts through the account opening process;

and encourage the ones with Gmail accounts to assist fellow learners

After all have created Gmail accounts, make sure learners are able to;

Compose messages

Attach documents

Read messages inbox and outbox

Send and receive messages

Save and edit drafts

CC & BCC functions

Reply and forwarding

Challenge learners to share email addresses and practically try this out between

or amongst themselves

3.2 Session: BOSCO-Uganda Intranet (1 hour)



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Session objective

To encourage development oriented collaboration and promote local response

mechanisms among the local communities

Session outline

Theoretical introduction to the intranet (10 minutes)

Learners are informed that in addition to posting articles and commenting on

articles, the Intranet could be used to;

Ask questions for example commodity prices with the hope that

community members shall help answer

Market products examples individual who is selling local chicken and

needs customers

Do research through electronic books and tutorials presented

Entertainment through videos presented

To submit comments on the program through the Monitoring and

Evaluation Section for information on program performance

Learners are practically taken through the registration process on the intranet

Learners are left to navigate the intranet and discover the different resource

materials and their uses on personal and community level

Each learner is tasked to find an existing article on the intranet forum to

comment on in English or Luo

Each learner posts a new article on the forum

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3.3 Session: Google maps & Documents (1 hour 30 minutes)

Session objective

To introduce the learners to information sharing through Google maps and


Session outline

Brief introduction to Google maps

Practically show the learners the link to Google maps

Learners are told that Google maps provide an estimate direction of a location or


Task each learner to produce a Google map of preferred location

Task the learners to produce a Google map of their ICT site

Task each learner to sign into their Gmail accounts and locate the section: Google


Task each learner to share their profile with the rest through Google documents

Challenge the learners to explore more on the topic

For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


3.4 Session: BOSCO-Uganda wiki spaces (14 hours)

Session objective

To enable communities to social-market themselves at individual and

institutional level through projection of their respective skills, talents,

knowledge/information and objectives

Session outline

Learners are introduced to the wiki

Learners are told that it is possible to save and edit an article on the wiki and

published when ready for example through other social media tools like Face

book, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogs etc

Learners are also told that due to unreliable internet connectivity, it is advisable

to work off-line (Ms. Word/open office writer etc) and save the document that

can always be retrieved for posting on-line to avoid loss of data

Learners are reminded to remember the URL

Learners are instructed to practically join wikispaces

After joining wikispaces, each learner is taken through the practical process of

creating a new wiki

Learners are asked to paste their individual profiles and upload their individual

photos on their respective wikis

Learners are taken through a practical session of creating new pages; and naming

each basing on the subject of the content.

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Learners are encouraged to go keep their wikis active by publicizing their work

like poems, updates on oneself, articles on personal experiences etc

3.5 Session: Evaluation (1 hour)

Session objective

Recap on previous topics

Session outline

While outside the training room, ask the learners to take the rest of group

through an energizer/game for 5 minutes

Learners stand in a circle together with other TOTs. One TOT stands inside the

circle to facilitate evaluation of the previous topics covered. Questions to ask

learners include;

How do you become a member of wikispaces?

How do you create a new page on your wiki?

What do you do to be able to edit your pages

Each learner to state their wiki

Each Learner to state their Gmail account

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Each learner to share about Google maps and documents

Ensure each learner participates in answering at least one or two of the questions


After the learners have attempted the questions, the TOT s collectively wrap up

with right answers to each of the questions

Ask the learners to share what they think is the meaning of electronic mails; and

are the benefits/advantages of the electronic emails?

The TOTs explains the meaning and the benefits/advantages of electronic mails

with reference to the Training Package.

Ask the learners to share what they think is the meaning of the intranet; and are

the benefits/advantages of the intranet?

The TOTs explains the meaning and the benefits/advantages of intranet with

reference to the Training Package.

Ask the learners to share what they think is the meaning of on-line collaboration;

and are the benefits/advantages of on-line collaboration?

The TOTs explains the meaning and the benefits/advantages of on-line

collaboration with reference to the Training Package.

Before starting a new topic, the TOTs should make sure that what has not been

understood by the learners is explained.

Group wraps up with a game

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3.6 Session: Social media tools (1 hour)

Session objective

To enable learners explore and navigate the internet (social media tools on their

own) using basic skills already earned.

Session outline

Explain and give the benefits of each of the social media tools below;

Face book




Practical exercise: Using skills already attained through email, wiksipaces &

intranet account opening, learners are tasked to create an account with at least

two of the preferred social media tools and complete profile and upload a photo

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4.1 Session: Ms. Excel, Power Point & Publisher

Session objective

To challenge learners to creatively exploit skills and resource materials acquired

for personal empowerment

Session 0utline

Learners are encouraged to study, research and consult each other and the

Training Package. Learners also visit and make use of search engines

TOT (s) assist the learners whenever need arises


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4.2 Session: Monitoring & Evaluation forms

Session objective

To challenge communities to follow up/monitor and evaluate community


Session outline

Learners are introduced to the training register and tasked to keep record of the

community members trained

Learners are introduced to the users registration format and tasked to monitor

the registration of site users (both old and new users)

Learners are introduced to the monitoring format to enable reporting of all site

activities (trainings etc)

Learners are introduced to the qualitative/evaluation form and tasked to

document records of people’s testimonies (trainings and other activities) that

could also be shared on the internet/social media tools like wikispaces, twitter etc

Challenge communities to improvise materials for record keeping for example

counter books etc

NB: Participants need to also observe what is happening as they shall be

expected to replicate the same

For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


4.2.1 Annex 1 - Training Register


Lesson (s) _______________(also attach time table):Venue:__________ Time__________; Date(s)____________ No Name Age group

(12-18, 19-29, 30-49, 50 years-


Sex (M/F)

Email/Telephone Occupation (Student, out of

school, Farmer etc) Site, Village & Parish Sub county &

District Signature









Name of Tutor: _________________________Position____________________at_______________Signature__________________

For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


4.2.2 Annex 2 - Training Assessment Form

Battery Operated Systems for Community Outreach Uganda


Assessment form [04]-for day 1[one] activity 3

Name: _________________ Site_________________

Dear Participant, the answers you provide here will be handled confidentially and used to help you

and others improve literacy skills related to computers and generally Information and Communication


Please study the table below and kindly tick what is applicable.

Activity Yes No

Can you power on a computer?

Are you able to navigate?

Are you able to use general

office & web 2.0 applications?

Are you able to choose a

programme and why?

Are you conversant with e-mail?

Do you possess an email

address? If yes, do you use it

(email address/account)?

Are you able to save documents?

Can you shut down a computer?

Thank you for your cooperation!

For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


4.2.3 Annex 3 - Site users register

Battery Operated Systems for Community Outreach-Uganda (BOSCO-UGANDA)


Name of ICT Site: ___________________________________________________

Month: ___________________________________________________


(Male/M or




(New or Old)












For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


4.2.4 Annex 4 - Monitoring Report format

SITE NAME……………………………………………………………….Date……………………………………..


(what is being done)

Activity Plan (Flow charts/roles)

Achievements (Goals achieved)

Challenges (Retarded activity)

Way forward (Next move amidst challenges)

Conclusion (Derived measures/Agreed)

Site Manager……………………………………………………..

Signature ……………………………………………………..

For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


4.2.5 Annex 5 - Evaluation Report Form


Name of Site User: ____________________________________________ Name of Site:____________________

A. Skills by the site user/community member (Skills are to do with hands)

Skills acquired Skills improved Skills already practiced

B. Information/knowledge of the site user/community member (this has to do with the head) Information/knowledge Possessed Information/knowledge acquired

C. Attitude (what has been stretched?) i.e. this has to do with the Heart

_____________________________________________________________________________________________ D. Plan for the skills and knowledge acquired.

How do you plan to use the skills & information/knowledge acquired? What are you doing with the skills & information/knowledge acquired?

When did you join the site? Signature: Date:

For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


4.2.6 Annex 6 - Copy of Monthly Book Keeping

Book keeping Form for Sites (Note: Money actually needs to exchange hands before being recorded)

Site Name:

Month and Year:

Person Filling out this form:

Amount of Cash at beginning of Month:

Name of Person Revenue Received Receipt # and Date Description Balance

Total Revenue 0

Name of Expense Expenses Paid in Sh Receipt # and Date Description Balance

Total Expenses 0

Total Profit/Loss 0



For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


4.2.7 Annex 7 - Material/Equipment Checklist

(Please use this to cross-check if all the materials and equipment meant to be returned

after the training are actually returned. To ease tracking, first be sure to note which

participant used which material/equipment during the course of the training)

Name of site…………………………………………………………………………………….

Date of training from………………………………….to………………………………………

Items Numbers at START and END

Laptops and their chargers START END

Power extension cables



Others 1





Names of Facilitators available at the closure of the training




For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


4.2.8 Annex 8 – Windows & Linux

For Windows applications we use MS Office applications and Open Office

Applications for Linux Systems.

Below are the major differences between Linux and Windows operating Systems.

Up sides

Windows is the world leader in PCs loaded with their software.

Windows has an easy to use user interface which can be learned easily.

Windows has the largest user base of any operating system worldwide.

Windows has the most software available for it

Windows has the largest number of developers of any OS

Microsoft has a large technical support department available to support technical


Systems administrators are many and can be easily found to support your corporate


Unix is very powerful

Unix typically requires less system resources to run the operating system leaving

more system resources for the applications which are running on the system.

Many linux distributions are open source so you have full source code access

Many linux distributions are free to install and use

Down Sides

Windows is closed source, meaning that you cannot view or modify the source code

of the operating system.

Because there are so many applications available it can take you a while to find the

application that you like the best.

Windows licenses are very expensive to purchase with the Enterprise Edition of

Windows Server costing several thousand dollars per server.

There are much fewer linux admins available for hire.

Top notch linux admins can be hard to find.

For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


linux admins are typically more expensive to hire than Windows admins.

Finding support can be more difficult as same companies who distribute the software

do not have large support departments.

linux can be more complex to setup for users who are not familiar with it.

The user interface is not as easy to use.

4.2.9. Annex 9 - Acknowledgement and Special thanks to:

A. Donors- UNICEF, DKA-Austria, BOSCO (Uganda & Inc/USA), SIGNIS,

University of Notre Dame-USA, HORIZONT3000

B. Community members that participated in the training, testing and

translation of this Training Package

Name Occupation Site, village, parish Sub-






1) Joseph Mogi Teacher Pabo Comprehensive Secondary


Pabo Amuru

2) George Okiya Typist Pabo sub-county headquarters Pabo Amuru

3) Denis Okot Student Pabo Comprehensive Secondary


Pabo Amuru

4) Denish Okoya Teacher Pabo Comprehensive Secondary


Pabo Amuru

5) Sharon Lanyero Student Pabo Comprehensive Secondary


Pabo Amuru

6) Geoffrey Ayella Student Pabo Secondary School Pabo Amuru

7) Jenifer Atim Health Worker Pabo Youth Desk Pabo Amuru

8) Charles Ochola


Parish Chief Pabo sub-county headquarters Pabo Amuru

9) Armstrong Bright


Pastor Pabo sub-county (Kal Oguru) Pabo Amuru

10) Lillian Ajok Parish Chief Pabo sub-county headquarters Pabo Amuru

For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


11) Robert Okwonga Teacher Pabo Primary School Pabo Amuru

12) Grace Anek Police Pabo Youth Desk Pabo Amuru

13) Patrick Ojara O. Councilor Pabo Sub-county headquarters Pabo Amuru

14) Susan Alanyo AASP-NAADS Pabo sub-county Pabo Amuru

15) Sharon Aciro Out-of-school Pabo Youth Desk Pabo Amuru

16) Jimmy Carter


Teacher Pabo Youth Desk (Paomo & Gaya) Pabo Amuru

17) Francis Opoka






Pabo Sub-county headquarters Pabo Amuru

18) Santo Oyoo Farmer Pabo Youth Desk Pabo Amuru

19) Julius Olwoch


Teacher Pabo Primary School Desk Pabo Amuru

20) Denish Oryem Spiritual Leader Pabo sub-county Pabo Amuru

21) Irene Simbrella


Teacher Lacor Primary School Lamogi Amuru

22) Sunday R.


Pupil Pagak Primary School Lamogi Amuru

23) Bernard Ogwal Farmer Lacor Primary School Lamogi Amuru

24) Commas Otim Farmer Pagak (Obbo) Lamogi Amuru

25) Johnson Okello Local Council

One Chairperson

Lacor Parish Lamogi Amuru

26) Alice Ataro Teacher St. Mary’s College, Lacor Lamogi Amuru

27) Ivan Ochora Olur Pupil Pagak Primary School Lamogi Amuru

28) Richard Oringa Student Pagak Lamogi Amuru

29) Thomas Obol Teacher St. Mary’s College, Lacor Lamogi Amuru

30) Irene Acayo Parish Chief Lacor St. Mary’s College Lamogi Amuru

31) Francis Abola



Youth Chair

Pagak/Pahoro Lamogi Amuru

32) Simon Odong Farmer Guruguru Lamogi Amuru

33) Robert Okello Trainer of


Bardege ICT for Education &


Bardege Gulu

34) David Okello Trainer of


Bardege ICT for Education &


Bardege Gulu

35) Sunday Deo Acire Trainer of Bardege ICT for Education & Bardege Gulu

For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


Trainers Research

36) Ivan Komakech Trainer of


Bardege ICT for Education &


Bardege Gulu

37) Bernard Ocaya Trainer of


Bardege ICT for Education &


Bardege Gulu

38) Tony Komakech Trainer of


Bardege ICT for Education &


Bardege Gulu

39) Stella J. Lalam User Bardege ICT for Education &


Bardege Gulu

40) Atube G. Omara Trainer of


Bardege ICT for Education &


Bardege Gulu

41) Jacob Ojara Trainer of


Bardege ICT for Education &


Bardege Gulu

42) Fred Mugisha Trainer of


Bardege ICT for Education &


Bardege Gulu

43) Syndrella R.


Trainer of


St. Joseph’s Primary School Bardege Gulu

44) Valeria Aromorach Trainer of


St. Joseph’s Primary School Bardege Gulu

45) Dominic Ezama Trainer of


St. Joseph’s Primary School Bardege Gulu

46) Michael G. Okeny Trainer of


St. Joseph’s Primary School Bardege Gulu

47) Joel D. Okello Trainer of


Bardege ICT for Education &


Bardege Gulu

48) Oscar Ocan Out of school Tetugu Parish Ongako Gulu

49) Edward Okello Peasant Farmer Coope Information Centre Bungatira Gulu

50) Betty Lawil Local Council

one Chair Person

Coope Information Centre Bungatira Gulu

51) Joyce Abalo Farmer Tam Pi Diki Child/Youth Support


Bungatira Gulu

52) Winnifred Akello Student Onjona Parish, Dika village Ongako Gulu

53) Mary Alanyo Peasant Farmer Kal Parish Ongako Gulu

54) Robert. B Oballim Trainer of


Coope Information Centre Bungatira Gulu

55) Gloria Auma Student Coope Information Centre Bungatira Gulu

For BOSCO-Uganda site users & other communities from different regions employing the Train the Trainer(TOT) Model


56) Tonny Opio Director Support the Orphans & Vulnerable

Children Organisation (SOVCO)

Ongako Gulu

57) Salama Akello Student Tam Pi Diki Child/Youth Support


Bungatira Gulu

58) Denish Oyat Farmer Tam Pi Diki Child/Youth Support


Bungatira Gulu

59) Simple Zakeo


Driver Tam Pi Diki Child/Youth Support

Organisation, Agonga Parish

Bungatira Gulu

C. Workshop Trainers

Name Occupation Site/institution District in



1) Latifah Akello Monica Trainer of Trainers Coope Information Centre Gulu

2) Bosco Okwir Trainer of Trainers Pabbo Comprehensive School Amuru

3) Simon Okello Trainer of Trainers Pagak Youth Centre Amuru

4) Daniel Komakech Field Coordinator BOSCO-Uganda Gulu

5) Robert Komakech Field Coordinator BOSCO-Uganda Gulu

6) Alfred Kilama Technical Manager BOSCO-Uganda Gulu

7) Stella Akiteng Project Coordinator BOSCO-Uganda Gulu


Please refer to the notes in SECTION II OF THE ICT HANDBOOK (Part I) for

further reading/research and practice.

For on-line research and personal on-line practice, please visit the links below:
