Boost your Teams' Morale to Improve Corporate Culture



8 step guide on how to create a positive working environment, boost morale and improve corporate culture in order to recapture hope and success

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How to Boost MoraleElevate the Morale of Your Sr. Executives and Recapture Hope and


How is Your Team doing?

Is there an atmosphere of despair and a lack of faith?

Do Your Team Members feel like there is no way out?

Do they view each other as enemies?

Do they communicate with each other?

If You answered yes to some, if not all of these questions, it is time for you to act!When there is no hope, it is difficult to get out of a bad situation. When communication breaks down, there is no way to have meaningful discussions. When team members view each other as the enemy, alignment of thought is almost impossible.

Follow this 8-step guide to boost Your Teams’ Morale and

create a positive Corporate Culture!

1. Admit that there is a Problem.

2. Set up a “Success Room” where your team meets twice a day to map out a recovery strategy.

3. Have Your team map out all problems and issues on a White Board.

4. Use Brainstorming Sessions to come up with possible solutions.

5. Assign tasks to Your team members and provide them with the necessary material and information to complete them.

6. Have each team member write down what they appreciate about their colleagues. This exercise is highly impactful and will boost morale, instantly.

7. Hold two team meetings per day, to outline the tasks in the morning, and review the progress in the afternoon.

8. Make everyone responsible for Sales to facilitate sufficient Sales Funnel Growth and ensure that you are meeting revenue targets. By pulling together your team will succeed.

If you follow this 8-step guide, Your team members will start to trust each other, communicate more effectively, and take responsibility to make a positive contribution towards your company.

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About the Author

• Alicia Assefa has over 25 years of Telebusiness and Sales Management experience.

• Her experience at over 50 companies (including CA, Oracle Corporation, Informix Software, Granicus and Blaze Software, to name a few) has helped her to create a set of field tested best practices that massively ramp sales funnel and revenue.

• Alicia is the Chief Operating Officer at SOMAmetrics, a business consultancy practice that provides effective Inside Sales and Teleprospecting Services.

• If you would like to ask Alicia a question about Inside Sales or Teleprospecting email her or visit
