Board Distress & Productivity: Making a Difference On Your Board


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Board Distress & Productivity:Making A Difference On Your Board

A dysfunctional board is an aftereffect of violation of trust, violation of core values,

and relationship trauma in board discourse.

When we are stressed, our need for attachment intensifies.

When trauma is caused by the person with whom we seek attachment, such as our

fellow Board Directors or the CEO, a “violation of human connection” occurs,

further perpetuating disconnection.

The disconnection leads to disengagement, a halt in progress, and the inability to repair relationships, address challenges or move

forward with the agenda.

According to a Stanford study,

39% of Board Directors report that their fellow directors derail conversations and get

off topic during Board meetings.

This happens because the Board is disconnected.

When Directors are disconnected, they start pushing for connection by blaming, criticizing, and demanding which starts a negative cycle.

Negative cycles further become perpetuated with defending, distancing, and


Directors then get stuck in these negative ways of responding and reacting to each

other, causing unproductive Board environments.

These negative cycles cause distrust and closed mindedness.

36% of Board Directors strongly believe that

their Board is not open to new points of view.

32% have a low level of trust in their fellow Board Directors.

The Solution:

Board/Team Dynamics Process (BDP)

The BDP is the only approach to Board effectiveness that is based on the new science

of emotional connection.

Emotion is what drives our interactions.

It literally moves Board Directors in very specific ways.

Creating a strong bond between Board Directors provides the strength and ability to

deal with the stress of trauma.

In the safety of the boardroom, BDP shows how to reprocess difficult and painful

experiences so that you can build a powerful bond between Board Directors.

Through BDP, Board Directors become accessible and responsive to each other,

creating and reinforcing support, safety, and connection.

Safe and connected Boards can regulate the negative emotions like stress that comes

naturally with being on a Board.

The BDP not only helps to heal the trauma, but also creates emotional engagementwhich improves healthy board function.

Disconnections are inevitable.

They happen in the healthiest relationships and strongest boards. Understanding how to

reconnect is what makes Boards more effective.

With the BDP, you can take the 36% of Board Directors who are not open to new points of

view and expand their perspective.

You can take the 32% of directors who don’t trust their colleagues and rebuild their

relationships to reintroduce essential trust.

All of which leads to higher productivity and effectiveness.

Contact Us To Learn More About our Revolutionary Board/Team Dynamics




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Twitter: @levelfiveexec
