BCOM 400 Thai Culture Through Photos


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Above all, peace in personal relationships shaped by culture

Please refer to the explanatory notes on each slide

The Nation- A Major Newspaper

In support of the class YouTube on Thai culture.

Current Weather Current Time in Bangkok

Bangkok, my favorite city, has a population of over 12 million people.

Check out NASA photos of Bangkok at night.

Siddhartha Gautama, the spiritual teacher later known as Gautama Buddha, is said to have achieved enlightenment, or Bodhi.

To show respect, Thais will wrap the Bo tree where Buddha reached enlightenment.

The Thai Spirit House

Buy a Spirit House

My buddy of 35 years, Neo, a Thai-Chinese. His Dad spoke Chinese. Note that he is standing at attention in a Chinese temple out of respect to the deity. Neo speaks only Thai and English. We were apartment mates for 3 years. We have stayed in touch by phone ands visits for over 30 years.

Thai Temples

Note the Thai national flag displayed in this temple on the river.

Tremendous respect for the Royal Family and the King of Thailand

Neo, again at attention to show his respect for the Royal Family

Politics and Sports

They punch it out

Thai Rock

Google “Thai Rock” for more examples!

The Thai Cooking School

Outdoor Thai Restaurant

Note the motor cycles, small trucks and the spirit house.

Check where I ate everyday!!!

Reflect on the information in this interactive slide pack. From what you have seen and heard, what is fundamental to the Thai approach to business relationships?