Baby Boomers Who Are We

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From The Desk of Ted DeCorte

October 30, 2007

Baby Boomers: Who Are We?

Baby Boomer Marketing

What Your Know. What You Think You Know

21st century marketing firms palpitate at the thought of the purchasing power of “Baby

Boomers” over the next 30 years. Baby Boomers, approximately 78 million of them, make up

what is viewed as the largest “Big Spenders” the planet has ever seen. Yet as the BBs are

viewed as some monolithic tsunami gaining economic strength, ready to deluge the

economic landscape with billions of pent up dollars, BBs are far from monolithic in their

political, economic and social tastes, and marketers should take note.

Baby Boomers in the U.S. & Canada (and Great Britain and some European countries) have

been thusly dubbed as they represent the post-World War II generation born from 1946 to

1964 – an eighteen year period of intense domestication and family building, fostered by a

pre-birth control, pre-feminist era of immense conspicuous consumerism. Add to this the

“leveling” effects of the proliferation of the automobile, the advent of national commercial

television & the standardization of public education, and the BB generation becomes a

generation unlike any one before it.

Yet, the eighteen-year Baby Boomer period represents two very distinct groups, the older BBs

from 1946 to approximately 1955 and the young BBs from 1956 to 1964. Their collective

experiences differed from one another much as the oldest siblings in a family differ so

drastically from younger ones. Whereas older BBs are on the edge of retirement, taking care

of their elder parents, and beginning to experience the “empty nest” syndrome en masse,

younger BBs may have children still in pre- or elementary school and see themselves in their

forties as actively engaged in their career & family trajectories.

Older BBs are beginning to transition or “shiftdown” their lives in some fashion, while

younger BBs are still “shifting up”. The two BB groups are as significantly different as those

who listened in their formative years to the Beatles, Rolling Stones, Traffic, Pink Floyd, and

the Beach Boys, and those who listened to Abba, Van Halen, Air Supply, the B-52s, & Duran

Duran. It’s as significant as those who watched Annette Funicello on a 12 inch black & white

TV screen and those who watched Star Trek on a 20 inch color screen. And then there are

those 8 track tapes vs. cassettes, or Sean Connery as James Bond vs. Roger Moore, or the

“Vietnam War” & Watergate generation vs. the Iran Hostage crisis & Reagan one. Younger BBs

are the largest share of the total U.S. population.

With this distinction made, here is what we can say about the BBs and their impact to the


Desire to bring simplicity to their life via new products.

User generated or navigator brands, i.e. Facebook & Google, to take control of content

consumption and branding and help them find what they want. BBs are at the forefront of the


Improve brain health and fitness. BBs do not see them selves as “old” but do understand the

“slowing down” of their physical capabilities and want to address them head on.

BBs are the television generation – more than any other generation before or since. They are

the largest TV viewers in U.S. as they have not gravitated en masse to other forms of media.

BBs are more eclectic than other generations in their media choices – using TV, internet,

radio, YouTube, print media. More eclectic than younger AND older generations.

BBs still read printed books & magazines – preferring them to digital versions.

BBs are dominated by female decision makers. By 2030 – females will be 60% of BBs.

BBs are 42% of the workforce today and hold most of the major corporate & political

positions in the U.S..

BBs state that they will never “retire” fulltime like their parents and they plan to retire later.

BBs will go into “Un-Retirement”.

BBs plan to be younger longer and to work longer, and will mix work with play.

BBs will reinvent retirement with hodgepodge of part-time, flex-time, telecommuting,

consulting and entrepreneuring.

Trends will include retro sports, folklore/storytelling, micro housing developments, faux

families, social/cultural renaissance, custom tailored health vitamins/elixers, turn “retired”

time into political power, nostalgia & collectibles, automobile downsizing, household

downsizing, increased household furnishings, home remodeling, multi-media centers,

gamble via lottery or LV, increased need for financial counseling, personal and planetary

health, aging gracefully – not youthfully (think Helen Mirren).

BBs VOTE and are the single largest voting bloc and they are beginning to flex their political

and social muscle.

BBs shop quality & price and have been the impetus for “discount” stores, i.e. Costco,

WalMart, Target, Ross.

Many BBs will NOT retire to “senior” communities. Gravitating to smaller intergenerational


BBs will regain freedom – freedom from children – which equates into time to doing other


And don’t call them “senior citizens”. They are mature or elderly.

BBs still use PRINT MEDIA as information/recreation source.

TV is till the #1 mass medium for BBs.

BBs stick with what they know, but they do embrace the new . .adding it to their repertoire

rather than replacing it, i.e. print, TV, radio, Internet, IPhone.

BBs WILL adopt one-touch multi-media and technology to improve their lives and save time.

BBs very diverse. 12% are immigrants. Increases in both Hispanic & Asian BBs.

Older BBs come from Civil Rights era, yet are dominated by ethnic, cultural and economic

classes of the past. Older BBs still represent an “unequal” American Society. 10% of older BBs

live in poverty. Olders BBs have not experienced the economic “boom” across-the-board as

younger generations have.

Inequities in wealth and income will persist and increase as BBs age. BBs more unequal than

other generations.

BBs better educated than previous generations.

Younger BBs are first generation that begins to experience a positive “equality” shift.

Older BBs were not all campus radicals and many cannot relate to the counter culture except

through “mainstream” outlets – i.e. music, radio, TV.

BBs will work longer as many held off on having children and thus have children in college.

BBs have saved less than previous generations. Yet, overall they have more disposable

income and most will have more time to earn, save and compound the interest on their


Huge jump in travel and healthcare marketing opportunities.

A BB reaches age 50 every 7 seconds.

For recreation, Older BBs are heading to Las Vegas, whereby younger BBs are still active in

more strenuous sports, i.e. mountain climbing, skiing, etc.

Las Vegas’ Older BB tourists stay longer and spend more money.

Other BB trends: full-service restaurants, travel, second homes, smaller homes, health/


BBs (primarily women) will pursue educational and hobby venues that were “back burnered”

for family and career.

42% of BBs state they will cycle between work and leisure during “retirement” period.

16% state they will have part-time jobs

13% state they will start businesses

6% state they will work fulltime

17% will RETIRE completely.

Internet Job Banks for Older BBs will flourish, i.e.,, Dinosaur Exchange.

The MARKET will demand that BBs remain in the labor force as there will be a labor/talent

shortage in 2011+.

BBs will transform from “ME” generation to “WE” generation as they turn their focus onto

their children, grandchildren, their parents and their communities.

BBs are more “outer directed” – 10 times more likely to “put others first”.

BB women are better educated, more independent and financially engaged.

HUGE difference in the way BB women plan to retire and BB men. BB women will pursue

further educational, community involvement & personal growth. BB men want to spend more

time with their spouse.

Older BBs watch more TV and listen to more radio than any other generation.

BBs are “On-Line” as much as the Net Generation. Boomer though do not multi task as

younger generations, preferring to stay with one medium at a time.

69% of Boomers use Internet as source for information (compared to 74% for younger


Internet savvy BBs go on-line more and stay on-line longer than younger generations.

RETIRE for BBs will mean: MORE TIME to devote to Media outlets.

BBs are increasingly HOMEBODIES. They are NOT relocating to new economic “hot spots” and

many are returning to their older more mature regions of the country where they grew up.

Where do BBs live?: New England, Eastern seaboard, upper Midwest, upper Rocky Mtn west

and Pacific NW.

Alaska, New Hampshire, Vermont & Maine have the largest share of BBs.

Followed by Wash DC, Colorado, Connecticut, Maryland, Virginia, Minnesota, Wisconsin &


The largest BB communities are Falls Church, Wash DC, Marin County, Putnam NY, Denver,

Nashville, Minneapolis, Colorado Springs, Baltimore, Portland, Santa Fe, as well as former

“Yuppie” communities – Seattle, San Francisco, Atlanta and Wash DC.

BB eating habits still shape restaurant marketing behavior as BBs move to steak, salad, soup

and seafood venues.

BBs want to “have it their way” regarding prepared foods and consumer goods.

BBs STILL visit shopping malls more than any other generation.

BBs are more likely to have underage children – their own or their grandchildren – still at


2/3rd are married

BBs less likely to change their marital status as this stage of life and less likely to change


6 million BBs are already grandparents – quadrupling over the next 10 years

BBs are highly individualistic, less happy with the status quo, more skeptical and more likely

to reject authority

BBs are notorious credit card users

BBs have less leisure time than their parents as they have both their children and their

parents to care for

BBs focus on education and own computers – more so than other generations.

BBs are more intuitive than reason oriented

First impressions are important to BBs – more emotionally based

BBs want more information than younger consumers

BBs more sensitive to metaphorical meanings, nuances & subtleties; more receptive to

narrative style communication – Think Hallmark Cards.

BBs STILL purchase CDs and visit retail music stores. Only 6% download digital music only.

MUSIC is central to BBs lifestyle and compilations of their favorite artists or genre are “hits”.


One survey identifies five different BB Groups:

1. Empowered Trailblazers

2. Wealth-Builders

3. Leisure Lifers

4. Anxious Idealists

5. Stretched & Stressed

Each has a different “hot” button.


Mindshare, a media consulting firm, sees two types of BB media consumers:

1. Leading Edge – 45 to 54 years-old – CSI, The West Wing & ER – interest in news, science

fiction (from Star Trek years), and Lifetime cable network – entertainment for women. Will

search for “in-depth” programming, ie. Social documentaries, challenging scientific specials,

comedies with sophisticated historical or cultural references, substantive radio

programming, Cable News. BBs average 21 hours per week listening to radio. News/Talk

radio is #1, Rock is #5.

2. Later Boomers – 35 to 44 years-old – ER, Friends & Survivor – interest in reality shows,

science fiction. Rock radio is #2 and adult contemporary #1.


Boomer Cultural Trends:

Bach & Botticelli are out. Classical is being replaced by “show or movie theme music”, think

John Williams, James Horner & John Barry. Older BBs will still dominate the fine arts venues

for a time – classical music concerts, opera, theater, ballet and art museums as they mirror

their parents tastes. Younger BBs do not. Younger BBs made up 44% of the jazz concert

attendees, but that figured has now dropped to 26%.

How to Market to BBs?

1. Sell experience, not age

2. Use “Mature” or “Prime”, not “older” or “Senior”

3. Use positive role models – don’t focus on limitations – use healthy, active, age-

appropriate role models in advertising.

4. Use larger fonts – or give BBs ability to manipulate fonts on webpage.

5. Make good use of white space – copy too dense is hard to read

6. Use strong colors and contrasts – b & w is best – not subtle color differences.

7. Do not refer to older customers in 3rd person. Address them directly and personally.

8. Treat them like family

9. Identify niche opportunities/markets

10. Ads need to connect to BBs idealized image of self

11. WOMEN – responsible for 83% of all consumer purchases!/ 92%-vacations/ 91% -

houses / consumer electronics – 51% / Cars – 60% / banking relationship – 89% / healthcare

decisions – 80% - NEED I SAY MORE!

12. BBs are not older versions of “30-somethings”


Baby Boomers will provide ample marketing opportunities for several generations of

marketers & entrepreneurs over the next 30 years. Anticipating and responding to both the

first OLDER wave and the more substantial YOUNGER wave will be an exciting & potentially

lucrative challenge. Our intuitive decision of providing a marketing focus involving both

digital and print media will serve us well to “captivate:” and “capture” a portion of this huge

wave. The above “snap shot” of BBs will certainly assist us in identifying trends, issues and

products that will be of importance to BBs over the next 30 years.

P.S. - The After Thoughts

You may find my “research” findings a bit rambling, but there are certain themes that I have

tried to capture as well as certain stereotypes I tried to shatter about BBs.

BBs are a much more diverse group with a different consumer pattern than the rest of the

population – both older and younger. The 50+ BBs have in many ways more in common with

“their elders” than they have with the 40+ early BBs. Older Boomers are the “bridge” between

the “older culture” of their parents and the “newer culture” of today. Older BBs as a whole

have adopted, and adapted to, both the old and new.

BB demographic research points to a much broader spectrum of opportunities for those who

wish to target this diverse group. AND it is a long marketing ride - some 30 years! Yet, to be

successful a marketing focus must find the commonalities and “dissect” the differences

between Old and New BBs to provide unique, targeted experiences.

Either way, old or new BB – a WOMAN’S POV – will play a major role in how your BB marketing

efforts play out. Think Sally Field (1946), Oprah (1954) - the early BBs, and Meg Ryan-

(1961), Sandra Bullock (1964) - the late BBs!

- Ted DeCorte, M.A.