Avon Tax Summary Sheet Template


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AVON Independent Sales Representative Tax SummaryThe following is information provided to my TAX ACCOUNTANT for my taxes for my Avon business.

Revenue FormulaAmount Sold to Customers $ Amount Earned from Leadership Bonuses

+ $

Amount Earned from Website Sales + $ = Gross Receipts or Sales = $ - Amount Paid to Avon - $ = Earnings from Avon Business (Revenue)

= $

Income You Gave BackDiscounts to Customers $


Business DeductionsDemonstration Products $ Brochures $Samples $ Sales Tools $Product Display Supplies $ Open House Supplies $Tote and Delivery Bags $ Postage and Shipping Fee’s


Office Supplies $ TOTAL $

Advertising Website Fee $ Printing / Copying $


Miscellaneous ExpensesCredit Given Back by Avon $ Gas / Tolls / Parking $ Meals / Food $ Sales Tax $ One Simple Fee Shipping Charge $ Charitable Donations / Gifts to Customers


Craft and Flea Market Entrance Fee’s




A copy of my Mileage Log is also included separately which identifies personal vs. Avon miles driven for the year.
