Attitude and Point of View


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Point of ViewBy: Atif Ahmed KhanBy: Atif Ahmed Khan

Why Attitude ?

Because Attitude is Everything. It multiplies with your every skill. If a person have…

• Good Communication.

• Good Knowledge.

• Or any other skill.

Success Rate of every skill depends on Attitude.

Success Rate of every skill depends on Attitude.

For Example

Say marks in Communication = 4 (from 5)And ifMarks in Attitude = 4 thenSuccess rate is 4 * 4 = 16Marks in Attitude = 2 thenSuccess rate is 4 * 2 = 8Marks in Attitude = 0 thenSuccess rate is 4 * 0 = 0

So I must Say….

Your Attitude Determines your


Your Attitude Determines your


Attitude in Detail

What is Attitude ?

Coming… Can we Change it ?

Yes… How can we Change it ?

We see…

Our Attitude depends upon our Point of View?Our Attitude depends upon our Point of View?

What is Point of View ??

It is the way we “see” the world.

Not in terms of our visual sense of sight, but in terms of Perceiving, Understanding and Interpreting.

Every body may have a different point of view..But not all the point of views are right.

Every body may have a different point of view..But not all the point of views are right.

Why Point of View ??

While looking at the world we see, we must look at the lens through which we see the world. Because the lens itself shapes how we interpret the world.

So the way we see (our Point of View) governs the way we behave (our Attitude).So the way we see (our Point of View) governs the way we behave (our Attitude).

Why Point of View ??

So Point of View is more important that Attitude. It is the Base on which the Building of Attitude has to be made.

Example of Maps:• We all know that ”Map is not the Territory, it is

simply explanation of certain aspects of Territory.”

Each of us has many many maps in our head. We interpret everything we experience through these maps.

We seldom question their accuracy, we are usually even unaware that we have them.

We simply assume that the way we see things is way they really are.

And our Attitudes and behaviors grow out of these assumptions.And our Attitudes and behaviors grow out of these assumptions.

Yes !!Yes !!

Can we Change it ?Can we Change it ?

How can we change it?

Ok it is clear

And What You See Now ??

And What You See Now ??

And What You See Now ??

And What You See Now ??

And Now we see a girl

She is playing with TOYS

Things are not always the same as we see


Things are not always the same as we see


And What You See Now ??

Lady is sitting near a Swimming Pool

And What You See Now ??

And What You See Now ??

And What You See Now ??

It is the POSTER of aero plane on the Bus

Things are not always the same as we see


Things are not always the same as we see


How can we change our Point of View ??

Example of Shifting Paradigm.

Can u imagine what the man felt at that moment ? His paradigm shifted. Suddenly he saw differently, and because he saw differently, he thought differently, he felt differently, he behave differently.

Can u imagine what the man felt at that moment ? His paradigm shifted. Suddenly he saw differently, and because he saw differently, he thought differently, he felt differently, he behave differently.

His Point of View changedHis Point of View changed

LessonIf we want to bring relatively minor changes in the professional lives of our field force, we can focus on their attitudes and behaviors. But if we want to make significant change, we need to work on their basic paradigm (Point of View).

If we want to bring relatively minor changes in the professional lives of our field force, we can focus on their attitudes and behaviors. But if we want to make significant change, we need to work on their basic paradigm (Point of View).“For every thousand hacking at the leaves of evil, there is one striking

at the root.”

“For every thousand hacking at the leaves of evil, there is one striking

at the root.”

We can only achieve improvements in the professional lives of our field force, as we quiet hacking at the

leaves of their attitudes and behaviors and get the work on the

root (Point of View).

We can only achieve improvements in the professional lives of our field force, as we quiet hacking at the

leaves of their attitudes and behaviors and get the work on the

root (Point of View).

Take Home MessageTake Home Message

Take Home MessageTake Home Message

Always control your Thoughts.Because Your Thoughts become your Actions.Your Actions become your Habits.Your Habits become your Character.AndYour Character determines your Destiny.

Always control your Thoughts.Because Your Thoughts become your Actions.Your Actions become your Habits.Your Habits become your Character.AndYour Character determines your Destiny.

We are what we repeatedly do..Excellence then is not an act, But a


We are what we repeatedly do..Excellence then is not an act, But a


Take Home MessageTake Home Message

Develop the right Habits – Sales Habits.Develop the right Habits – Sales Habits.

TT hhaa nnkk ss

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