A.T. Kearney Global Trends 2017–2022--The Centrality of Governance


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Global Trends 2017–2022The Centrality of Governance

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Five macro trends will shape the global outlook and operating environment.

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Global Trends 2017–2022The Centrality of Governance

One common element underlying all five trends is the outsized role of governance—at both the national and local levels.

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Global Trends 2017–2022The Centrality of Governance

Islandization of the global economy: restrictions on immigration, trade, and other cross-border flows are up.

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Global Trends 2017–2022The Centrality of Governance

The nations that led the globalized economy are now leading the retreat into islandization.

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Global Trends 2017–2022The Centrality of Governance

Growing debt overhang: Driven up by low interest rates, debt levels around the world have skyrocketed.

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Global Trends 2017–2022The Centrality of Governance

Government debt exceeds the size of the domestic economy in Italy, Portugal, Cyprus, and Belgium. But corporate debt has risen most dramatically in emerging markets.

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Global Trends 2017–2022The Centrality of Governance

New urban transportation age: With congestion in global cities hindering growth, innovation appears to be ending the age of the automobile.

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Global Trends 2017–2022The Centrality of Governance

Tra�ic delays cost the British, German, and American economies about $450 billion in 2016.

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Global Trends 2017–2022The Centrality of Governance

Tech metals supply crunch: As the global economy rapidly digitizes, dependency on crucial minerals has grown.

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Global Trends 2017–2022The Centrality of Governance

The battery industry uses about 42 percent of the world’s cobalt production,and more than half of all cobalt comes from one country: the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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Global Trends 2017–2022The Centrality of Governance

Rising threat of superbugs: Resistance to micro-organisms is just the tip of the iceberg as other health threats emerge globally.

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Global Trends 2017–2022The Centrality of Governance

At least 700,000 people die world-wide every year from infections that no longer respond to antibiotics.

A.T. Kearney is a leading global management consulting firm with o�ices in 40 countries. Since 1926, we have been trusted advisors to the world’s foremost organizations. A.T. Kearney is a partner-owned firm, committed to helping clients achieve immediate impact and growing advantage on their most mission-critical issues. For more information, visit www.atkearney.com.

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For more information about Global Trends 2017–2022, including a review of how our 2016 predictions have fared, please visit :www.atkearney.com/GT2017