Anthropometric tests blood pressure session 5




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Anthropometric Tests 3

Resting Heart Rates & Blood Pressure

Session 5

Aim – To be able to carry out precise health related anthropometric tests on a client and give appropriate feedback.(Assessment 1)

Objectives – To demonstrate the ability to locate pulse sites &

identify resting heart rates in relation to fitness levels.

To demonstrate the ability to use blood pressure machines take readings and identify results with any health risks.

Please Note - If necessary the last objective will be continued in the next session to ensure the tests are completed accurately.

Last Session you:

Took body fat measurements using fat calipers on 4 different sites.

Used the figures to work out, body fat %, lean body weight & Fat body weight.

Complete Recap worksheet (5 minutes)

It is important that as a PT you are competent able to take pulse rates quickly and accurately for a number of reasons.

Pulse rate is an indicator of fitness.

Pulse rates identify intensity of activities.

The pulse can be taken in a number of locations.

The 2 sites you need to be able to locate are:

The Brachial Artery (wrist) The Carotid Artery (throat)

Take the pulse count the beats for 15 seconds and times by 4

Eg. 23 x 4 = 92 beats per minute

Locate the Brachial artery by placing pressure with the first 2 fingers on the THUMB side of the wrist.

Locate your brachial artery. Rest your arm comfortably on the table. Uncross your legs. Record result!

Locate your caratid artery. Uncross your legs. Record result!


MENAGE 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 65+

ATHLETE 49-55 49-54 50-56 50-57 51-56 50-55

EXCE’T 56-61 55-61 57-62 58-63 57-61 56-61

GOOD 62-65 62-65 63-66 64-67 62-67 62-65


66-69 66-70 67-70 68-71 68-71 66-69

AVERAGE 70-73 71-74 71-75 72-76 72-75 70-73


74-81 75-81 76-82 77-83 76-81 74-79

POOR 82+ 82+ 83+ 84+ 82+ 80+

WOMENAGE 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56-65 65+

ATHLETE 54-60 54-59 54-59 54-60 54-59 54-59

EXCE’T 61-65 60-64 60-64 61-65 60-64 60-64

GOOD 66-69 65-68 65-69 66-69 65-68 65-68


70-73 69-72 70-73 70-73 69-73 69-72

AVERAGE 74-78 73-76 74-78 74-77 74-77 73-76


79-84 77-82 79-84 78-83 78-83 77-84

POOR 85+ 83+ 85+ 84+ 84+ 84+

What different factors could affect this test?

What do you need to consider each time you do this test on a client?

Purpose- To measure resting blood pressure at

systole (heart contraction) and diastole (heart relaxation) as recorded in the arm.

Blood pressures outside the normal range are indicators of poor health and can represent a significantly higher chance of cardiovascular disease.

The measurement is part of the screening process prior to exercise prescription and an indicator of any changes needed in lifestyle.

Systole, The highest pressures occur during systole as blood is ejected into the aorta and subsequent arteries of the body. 

Diastole, the heart's resting phase, follows systole. During diastole the ventricles fill with more blood. Systemic pressures fall until more blood is ejected during systole.

1. Take blood pressure in a quiet room where there are no distractions.

2. The client should be relaxed and rested. 3. The client should be seated, legs

uncrossed, arm extended at the elbow, and supported at the heart level with palm facing up (supine)

4. The cuff is placed around the bare upper arm.

5. The cuff stethoscope should be placed on the brachial artery just above the elbow joint.

In groups of 3

Your are to take turns in taking each others blood pressure.

1 person to be the client 1 person to administer test & take

readings 1 person to assess using the worksheet

Follow the worksheet for group rotation.

Normal blood pressure is: (Systole)120 (Diastole) 80 Results should be recorded as 120/80

Low blood pressure in young athletic people is common eg as low as 90/70

A low risk associated with elevated blood pressures (hypertension) at or above 140/90

A high risk and indicative of medical intervention before strenuous exercise is a resting systolic measurement of over 160

You now know how to locate and take resting pulse in 2 locations. You can then describe fitness levels using the charts you have been given.

You can demonstrate the ability to correctly administer blood pressure tests, using verbal explanations throughout.

Some of you can analyse the blood pressure readings and give advice on health dangers associated with hypertension and ways to reduce blood pressure.

Blood pressure (continued from last session if needed)

Bioimpedance (electrical body fat) Correct use of electrical equipment.

Postural analysis Essential test for overall health &

prevention of injury.
