Agenda Builder Guide: Dreamforce '15

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Dreamforce ‘15 Agenda Builder

User Guide

Ready for Agenda Builder?

● This is your chance to put together your session agenda for Dreamforce

● Can’t enroll in a session because it is full? Don’t worry - 25% of all session space is held for walk-ins

● Remember not to overbook. Save time to network, explore Dreamforce, and unwind. We recommend only booking 3-4 sessions per day.

What’s New this Year in Agenda Builder

● Personalization: Get sessions recommended for you based on your preferences - product interest, your role, themes that interest you, and your industry. You can update your preferences at any time in Agenda Builder.

● Expert Picks: We've identified subject-matter experts within Salesforce to help you find the best sessions at Dreamforce. They've tagged these 'can't-miss sessions' so that you can find the best learning opportunities for the Themes, Roles, Industries and Products that interest you. Just go to Sessions and click on Expert Picks at the top to see all of the sessions that qualify.

Every year we work to make Agenda Builder as useful as possible. We’ve added some new tools this year to help you get the best content on your calendar!

Let’s Get Started!Step-by-Step Instructions

To access Agenda Builder, go to and select the ‘Login’ button from the top right. Haven’t registered yet? Click ‘Register’ to go through the registration process, and then you’ll be able to log in

and add sessions.

If you are already a Salesforce user, click “Salesforce Log In.” If you are attending Dreamforce but are not yet a Salesforce user, log in by clicking the Dreamforce

button below. You can also log in using your Marketing Cloud login.

Use your Salesforce, Dreamforce, or Marketing Cloud credentials to log in on the next screen. Don’t remember them? Click ‘I forgot my password’ and use your email address to retrieve. All login pages will get you into

Agenda Builder.

When you log into the Success Community, you’ll see our new welcome screen, along with access to the rest of the Success Community along the top. Click on

“Session Lineup” to view all Dreamforce sessions.

You’ll start with a full list of sessions. To start navigating them quickly, you’ll want to use filters or search by name.

Expand any filter category by clicking on the arrow or name.

Once they are expanded, click on the choices within that category to select your filter. You can choose more than one item in each filter and use multiple

filters at once.

To see a session description, click on its title from your results list. You’ll go to the session’s page, which will include the description, including speaker information, a

list of related products and roles for that session, and the location. You can also interact in “Session Chatter” and see related sessions below.

You can check your filtered sessions across multiple days by choosing a different day on the drop down


Looking for a particular sessions? Type it into “Search Sessions,” the sessions will automatically filter while you type, and will show up on your ‘sessions’ list.

You have the opportunity to add and favorite the session from the session page. If you click the “enroll” button, you’ll reserve a seat for the session and it will show on

your agenda. You can also favorite and share the session from the same location.

If a session is already full, a walk-in option will be displayed by the session. For most sessions, 75% of all available seats are reservable in Agenda Builder and the other 25% are reserved for Walk-ins. The only

sessions that the 25% Walk-in rule does not apply to are Hands-on Training and Workshops. So if you see a session that is sold out, just select the Walk-in option it so that it shows up in your Agenda and you can

grab one of the walk in seats – given away on a first come, first served basis.

You can also add a session and favorite a session directly from the session list. Just click on the grey check, and it will turn green and be added to your agenda. Click the star to favorite a session but not register for it – the star will turn blue.

To see all of your favorited sessions, click ‘Show Favorites’ on the top of your page. You will see your bookmarked sessions based on time and day. You can add these

sessions to your agenda directly from this page.

If you try to add two sessions at the same time, you will get a time conflict message alerting you that you already have a session. You will not be able to book sessions

with overlapping times, but you can book mark as many sessions as you want during the same time.

If you have a conflict, you may want to cancel the session you’ve registered for. To cancel a session, go to that session in the session list. Click on the

“Enrolled” box next to that session.

Once you click on the box you will no longer be registered for that session. You can then add a different session at that same time.

New Feature: Personalize Your Sessions ListOnce you log in and get to the main

page, click on “Sessions” to start your personalization of your sessions. You will have the option to go through the

personalization or skip the process and go straight to all Dreamforce sessions.

New Feature: Personalize Your Sessions List

Go through the new on-boarding and choose which Salesforce products, themes, roles and industries you're interested in. This is also your opportunity to add a

photo for your User Profile, Chatter posts, and more.

Once done, you will land on the sessions list page where your personalized list of sessions will be displayed.

New Feature: Personalize Your Sessions ListYou can update your personalization preferences once you get to the sessions page. Simply open the filters for each element and click to add or subtract each filter. Once you have updated your filters, click “Update My Personalized Settings” to have your

session updated.

We've identified subject matter experts within Salesforce to help you find the best sessions at Dreamforce. They've tagged these 'can't miss sessions' so that you can find the best learning

opportunities for Themes, Roles, Industries and Products that interest you. Just go to Sessions and click on Expert Picks at the top to see all of the sessions that qualify. You can also use the filters on

the left to narrow down the list to only those items that interest you.

New Feature: Expert Picks

If you want to see your calendar, simply click ‘My Agenda’ on the top of your screen.

Note that your favorited sessions will also show up on your agenda, and can be added from this screen as well. You can also choose to “Hide Favorites” on the

top of the page.

In ‘My Agenda’, use the top pull down menu to view your schedule by day.

You can export your calendar to your calendar or to a PDF or to your iCal by clicking one of the two buttons on the left of the page.

● Don’t overbook: We recommend only booking 3-4 sessions per day so that you have time to go with the flow and enjoy those micro moments that continually pop up all over San Francisco

● Print it out: While your agenda is ready to go on your mobile device, be sure to keep a hard copy - you never know when your electronics will give up on you

● Revise, revise, revise: Refine and change your agenda leading up to the conference - get recommendations from friends, partners, MVPs and more via the Success Community, blog posts, and social media

● There are more than sessions: Don’t forget to block off time to visit the Cloud Expos, Zones, and the Customer Success Showcase

● Get out of your comfort zone: Check out sessions outside of your job or industry - for example, we have 75 sessions in our Emerging Trends theme on IoT, Wearables, Storytelling, Science Fiction, Innovator’s dilemmas plus our unbelievable lineup of Innovation speakers.

Top Agenda Tips:

You’ve Got Your Agenda!