Acca p1 chap 12- ethical theories

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  • 1. Ethical Theories
    Chapter 12

2. 3. Ethical & moral belief of society
4. 5. Deontological v/s teleological approach to ethics
6. Deontological
A non consequentialist theory.
Motivation & principle is important.
Action is based on Moral.
3 maxims/ tests of action, to know if action is morally right- all 3 maxims must be satisfied.
Consistency- Action is right if everyone can follow the same principle
Human dignity Treat humanity as an end, never as a means . Humanity inside you and inside people.
Universality- Would others / external parties , view the action as moral or suitable
7. Deontological approach- categorical imperative
Maxim 1
Act only according to that maxim by which you can desire that it should become a universal law.
Action is right if everyone follows the same principle.
Eg certain behaviors are judged as immoral by almost everyone , namely; murder, child abuse, fraud.
8. Maxim 2- Principle of human dignity
Act to treat humanity , in yourself and in others , always as an end , never as a means only.
Never consider humans as slaves , or as only providers of service only
Consider their needs and expectations
Some concept of Empowerment of employees
9. Maxim 3- Principle of Universality
Act only so that the will , through its maxims , could regard itself at the same time as universally law giving.
Principle of universality
Will an action be viewed as moral when viewed by external parties. Not by the initiator of the action/decision.
Outside in approach.
If the initiator doubt of the moral founding/ grounding of the action, then the moral status is doubtful.
10. Teleological approach
Consequentialist theory
The right or wrong depends on conseqences/ outcomes of the decision.
If the outcome is right , then the action itself is irrelevant.
2 perspectives to view an outcome
11. 2 perspectives
12. Teleological approach
The goal is important , not the means to get there.
Consequentialist theory- whether a decision is right or wrong will depend on the outcomes of the decision.
highly subjective approach
The effect of collective welfare
Concept of utility
Measuring good or bad utility produces a Cost benefit analysis of decisions , thus making those decisions
13. Kohlberg Level of Human development

  • Individuals tend to move from Level 1 to Level 3 as they grow older.

14. The move is decided by how a decision is made , not what the decision is about. 15. Research show that most people , including business managers tend to reason on Level 2.
