7 Strategies on How to Build a Highly Successful Business From Scratch and Earn Your First Million


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*7* Strategies on How to Build a Highly Successful Business from

Scratch and Earn Your First Million

John Di Lemme

What are you doing in your business to change lives? Every life that you change through your products or services produces a testimonial. These testimonials are the foundation of your business and serve as proof to your customers that you are committed to them. If you don't have testimonials in your business, that's a problem.

Focus on building long-term, trusting relationships with your customers. If you do that, then you will receive raving testimonials and develop loyal customers for many years to come.

Strategy #1 Testimonials of Lives Changed

Your marketing should solve a problem for your consumers by strategically sharing the benefits of your product or service. Most business owners waste time and money on marketing, because they spend too much time talking about themselves instead of the problem that they can solve for their customers. It's not about you! It's about your customers and how your product or service can in some way change their lives and solve a problem that they are experiencing. Get laser-focused and redirect your marketing efforts to generate the results that you desire.

Strategy #2 Laser-Focused, Problem Solving


Entry points are basically how your customers are introduced to your business. There are two main entry points in business. The first one is the internet. Most people waste money on this entry point, because they make it too hard, they don't know what they are doing, and they hire the wrong people. There are thousands of internet gurus out there. Stay away unless they have real testimonials of real people with results. Setup a user-friendly website and one email. Make it simple for your customer.

Strategy #3 Million Dollar Entry Point

The second entry point is the phone. Setup a basic phone system with an easy to use voice mail and make sure your voice mail isn't always full. If your business phone is your cell phone, don't answer it in the middle of the grocery story, at home with your children in the background, or anywhere else where you can't fully focus on the person calling. Your entry point is worth millions to you! Make sure that it's efficient for your customers and represents your business with nothing less than a standard of excellence.

You have less than three seconds to grab the attention of your customers with your marketers. How do you do that? Use attention grabbing subject lines or headlines that instantly make your customers pay attention. Then provide valuable content that solves a problem for your consumer. End by giving your customers a free bonus. It all starts with the subject line or headline. Not sure what to write. Email Team@LifestyleFreedomClub.com for *5* of my top producing subject lines for FREE!

Strategy #4 Attention Grabbing Subject Lines or Headlines

You start with an attention grabbing subject line or headline and finish with a simple, straight-forward call to action. A call to action is basically the first step in building a long-term relationship with your customers through an invitation to take advantage of your product or service. There's no reason to make it confusing especially since you will lose business. Your customers will appreciate a simple, straight-forward opportunity to invest in your product or service.

Strategy #5 Simple, Straight-Forward Call to


Too many business owners are afraid of objections and even get defensive when they are faced with objections. Objections are no more than a question in disguise. Your customers are skeptical and have a right to be since most business owners don't follow-through. So expect that your customers will have objections.

However, they wouldn't have objections if they weren't interested in your business. Listen to their objection, answer their question, and actively engage them in your business.

Strategy #6 Fall in Love with Objections

Listen to what your market wants and give it to them. Yes, it's that easy! Stop trying to sell products and services that don't interest your customers. Your customers will tell you what they want - listen, learn, and earn!

Strategy #7 Listen to Your Market


You Become More Confident... Everything John teaches is Honest, Truthful, and Information that we can use to Build our Business. You become more Confident and Stronger as a person.Everything John teaches is Honest, Truthful and Information that we can use to build our business. If you aren't a LifeStyle Freedom MasterMind Club Member become a member Right Now - Incredible and Life Changing. - Carol Smith, Elite Coaching Student, Construction Company Owner, Florida

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