6 Ways to Foster Online Donations


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6 Ways to Foster Online Donations

In order for your organization to benefit from this trend, make sure donors can give easily online and feel appreciated when they do.

Online donations are growing.


Send Them Personal Acknowledgements

You probably thank your off-line donors in personal ways, but what about your online donors?

Sending an auto-responder thank you email for a donation made online ?

Of course.

But providing personalized or handwritten thank you that is mailed to your higher-end donors would really have an impact.

Highlight Your Donors in Promotional Material


Collateral material, such as your newsletter, can be used to highlight stories and the difference theyve made.

Stories about your online donors not only make the online donors feel appreciated, but also encourage others, who may be inspired by the story.

Solicit Feedback


A great way to keep online donors engaged is to ask for their feedback.

Donor polls, surveys or emails asking them to provide critical feedback lets them know their opinion is valued.

It also provides you with valuable input about what you are doing right, and what you can improve.


Go Mobile!

In fact, globally this is the first year that people spent more time on their mobile devices than they did on their desktops.

Its likely donors will be accessing your site via their mobile device instead of their desktop.

Therefore, having a site that is mobile friendly for online donors is a critically important.


Make It Easy to Donate

Making a donation is often a spur of the moment decision. The less obstacles, the less clicks, the less clutter, the better.

Cluttered page, asking for too much information, not having a seamlessly integrated donation page are all ways to have a donor quickly reconsider making a donation.

Try to keep it simple.Or take advantage of good system.


Be Social and Interact

Social media is a great way to share information and campaigns to promote online giving.

Social media is also a great way to engage with online donors.

For example, you could send out a tweet thanking recent donors to your campaign, or share updates on the campaigns success.

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