6 things people want from their business leader


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I am not sure whether senior management realise but our

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6 Things People Want from Their Business Leader

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I am not sure whether senior management realise but our

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happy to discuss directly.

Anonymous Anonymous

There are over 30 people in IT who can access 2 million

client emails.

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We ask referees 10 scale applicant.

We get input from 4 referees.

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Employers get candid answers, Referees get no worries,

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Why do people follow leaders – and what do they want from their leaders. Most people want leaders who inspire them and

who they believe in – but what does this break down into?

The requirements have evolved and continue to, as the power of coercion has decreased, the extent to which our

organisations and leaders and their every action are open to public scrutiny and workforces become more mobile.

Here are our suggestions for a contemporary list of requirements.


VisionPeople want to work in an environment with leaders who can demonstrate they know where the organisation is going, how that fits into the world and that it is aspirational & inspirational.

DeliveryDelivery of a leaders vision is also a critical trait. Leaders who consistently articulate a vision but make no progress towards delivering it will soon see their power base ebb away.

DecisivenessWe like to feel that our leaders can be decisive, and see them being decisive. This ranges across anything from deciding on the vision, to putting the right team in place.

IntegrityPeople want to be able to trust and admire their leaders. If a person is not convinced of the integrity of their leader how can they have pride in that organisation?

Fairness/ConsistencyGreat leaders take tough decisions – make sacrifices, get rid of poor performing players –but to retain a true following the modern leader needs to be seen to be fair in doing this.

AwarenessThe means by which leaders gain awareness may have changed – but leaders still need to demonstrate that they have an awareness of their organisation and its surroundings.

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I am not sure whether senior management realise but our

Thanks for raising this. Can you tell me more? I would be

happy to discuss directly.

Anonymous Anonymous

There are over 30 people in IT who can access 2 million

client emails.

Thanks – I will look into


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We ask referees 10 scale applicant.

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