6 Recommendations For Static Banner Ads

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6 RECOMMENDATIONS For a better static online ad

What’s This All About?

A client of mine sold small static ads on their site to their vendors. The vendors were responsible for creating their own ads, but no one was clicking through. I originally put this content together to help the vendors improve their ads.

The challenge was to develop some quick tips for static ads - and small ones at that. Animated gif ads and flash banners allow more real estate to deliver your message, but these little guys... well, they have to be simple and clear.

These recommendations are in no way endorsed by the companies whose ads I snagged and critiqued. If anyone has an issue with the samples I posted, leave me a message on SlideShare.

Thanks and enjoy!

1. Specific OfferEnsure there is a purpose to your ad: your ad needs a reason to exist!

Just a company logo, or your logo + product photo without a description does not entice a user to click

Clearly and succinctly tell your target audience how they will benefit from your product/service

2. Clear Copy

Ad copy in such a small format needs to be informative, clear, to the point, and interesting to your target audience

Don’t be too clever - your audience needs to quickly understand what the ad is saying.

Remember that when browsing online, people scan pages and move on quickly

3. Clear Call to ActionStatic banner ads provide limited real estate for your message and offer, so be direct and clear

Tell the audience what’s in it for them and what they should expect when they click

Examples: “Click here for XYZ”, “Learn how [Product Name] saves you money”, “Download our 9 tips for LMNOP”

4. Simple & Legible DesignCheck that your ads can be easily viewed and read online at their actual display size

A good design will highlight the message / key content

Font, text size, colour and contrast all need to work together to ensure the ad can be read and digested at a glance

5. Link to a Specific PageWhen people click on your banner, bring them to a landing page on your website that clearly provides the info that you promised in your ad

Build confidence - assure the audience that they ended up on the right site. The ad and the landing page should share some visual cues

Give them the info they want - don’t make them look for it!

For example, if your ad is for underground wired widgets, take them to the underground wired widgets page, NOT to the home page

6. Would You Be Interested?Imagine you are a customer seeing your ad for the first time - would YOU be interested in or excited about what it offers?

Don’t kid yourself – if you don’t find it compelling, then your audience probably won’t either

Sample - Greyhound

Headline offers a clear value to the audience

2nd line “flat rate ” provides more info on the special offer

Clear call to action (“Learn More” button stands out)

User has a clear expectation of what they will “learn more” about (the shipping offer)

Sample - B2B Whitepaper

Headline serves double duty as the call to action & creates a sense of urgency

Clean and uncluttered design make it easy to focus on the message

Call to action eases audience into clicking through (“look inside” is less commitment than “buy now”)

Note: ad is for the website’s own product

Whitepaper - Click Through

Visual cue that user is on the right page (e.g. duplicate product shot)

Click-through delivers more info on the product

User can preview the paper or buy on the spot (lower risk)

Upsells audience to buy a membership - dilutes strength of the individual offer, but serves a larger goal of the company

Sample - 10% Off

The headline is the offer - and it’s clear what the incentive is

Targeted message (e.g. I saw this offer on Techvibes and Hey! this offer is for me!)

Note – this ad lacks a call to action; it assumes the audience knows to click for details

10% Off - Click Through

Ad brings me to the homepage, not a tailored landing page (confusing - am I in the right spot?)

Page outlines their product & value proposition but... as a Techvibes reader, where do I go for my 10% off?

Missed opportunity to present the user with the specific offer that got them to click through

Sample - Hover

Headline outlines a clear value to the audience and doubles as a call to action

Offer is worded in a friendly and non-intimidating way (feels low risk to click through)

Clear and clean design

Hover - Click ThroughDelivers on the promise made in the ad - “make sharing easy”

Distinct and clear next steps depending on my need (e.g. register a new site or bring my old site)

Maintains clear and clean design that matches the original ad - I know I’m in the right place

Recap: 6 Recommendations for a better static ad

1. Specific Offer

2. Clear Copy

3. Call to Action

4. Simple & Legible Design

5. Link to a Specific Landing Page

6. Test: Would You Be Interested?