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3Quality Assurance

5S – A Program to Improve Project Performance

Venue: Project Site Office – LSI 3 Project Date : October 10, 2006

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 2

Objectives Improve housekeeping Make every individual responsible for housekeeping Productivity improvement by saving time, reduced waste, space etc.

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 3

COMMON MIND SETS… Its an additional burden. Too busy to do 5S activities. Why clean it? It will get dirty again We cannot change the existing setup. More work pressure – No time for these things Expensive – Why to waste money? We are comfortable – Why to change? It will take time

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 4

So, What’s good in it?

Before we answer . . .

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 5

Look Familiar?

Why 5S?

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 6

So, what’s good in it again?

Work efficiency enhanced due to organized work place Achieve remarkable cost reduction in construction process and improved productivity by 20% Waste elimination, Cycle time reduction, Space generation, Inventory reduction and improved work ethics

The winning companies says…

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 7

Remove waste

Implement so that ‘waste becomes visible to facilitate waste removal’

Waste = Current work – money generating

work From current work remove work that does not generate money

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 8

A program to help us improve project


3Quality Assurance

Let’s begin….


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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 10

Definition of 5S (1) SEIRI (Sort) Distinguishing between necessary and unnecessary things, and getting rid

of what you do not need

(2) SEITON (Set in Order) The practice of orderly storage so the right item can be picked efficiently

(without waste) at the right time

(3) SEISOU(Shine) Create a clean worksite without garbage and dust

(4) SEIKETSU(Standardization) Standardization of best practices

(5) SHITSUKE (Sustain) The practice of developing customs so that the workplace regulations and

rules are correctly practiced

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 11

Promotion of 5S

(1) SEIRI (Sort)

Dispose what is not needed

(2) SEITON (set in order)

Can retrieve when required


(Shine) Make the workplace


(4) SEIKETSU (Standard) Standardized the solution

(5) SHITSUKE (Discipline)

Develop customs that allow practice of regulations and rules

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 12

First Module

SEIRI (Sort)

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 13

Dispose Assign fixed place

SEIRI (Sort) refers to:

Distinguishing between necessary things and unnecessary things and getting rid of what you do not need



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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 14

‘Stratification’ refers to: Assorting things around oneself into those that are required and those that are not required

• Other than things used daily are non-required things • Quantity in excess of what is used daily is non-required • ‘Leave only this, just in case’ is strictly prohibited

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 15

Standards Action

Frequency of Usage Dispose

Things used approximately once in 1 to 6 months Place in a warehouse faraway

Things used once a weekGather together in the store in vicinity of work

Things used dailyPlace so that they are easy to pick. Make it easy to return. Identifiable

Things used every hourPlace within arm’s length where they can be easily reached

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 16

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

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Assigning fixed places refers to: Preparing rules and making visible ‘where’ and in ‘what quantity’’ the required things are to be placed

• Decide locations for things that will remain • Make rules for locations • Making visible refers to visual management

• Start with what can be done

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 18

Location of things that will remain should consider :

(1) Where it will be used (2) Where it will be placed (3) How much it will be placed (4) How it will be placed

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 19

Seiri = Sorting Seiri = Sorting Improvement methods

1.Flow Process Chart (Procedural Analysis) Drawing a process flow chart for the system Ex. How to make and use category wise grouping

2.Operational Analysis Preparing the sequence of operations for system Ex. How to perform Seiri (sorting)

3.Check List A check sheet is used to decide what sort of main

system and sub system are necessary.

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 20

SEIRI = Sorting SEIRI = Sorting

Meaning Distinguish between necessary and unnecessary items and eliminate the unnecessary items

Meaning Distinguish between necessary and unnecessary items and eliminate the unnecessary items

Activity Establish a criteria for eliminating unwanted items Eliminate unwanted items either by disposing them or by relocating them.

Success Area saved or percentage of space available Indicator

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 21


Give me three examples of areas that could benefit from sorting


Slide 21

isc1 ntil here, we can conclude the first ,module of the presentation. Sid Calayag, 10/9/2006

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 22

Second Module

SEITON (Set in order)

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 23

Make it compact

SEITON (Set in order) refers to : Implementing functional storage by deciding correct placement method and layout so that the required objects can be quickly used what it is required

Assign fixed places and fixed quantity


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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 24

Assigning fixed places and fixed quantity : Refers to facilitating picking and placing and ensuring zero shortages

• Give priority to use frequency and decide fixed place • Consider also safety (mainly weight)

• Place heavy objects at a height where they are easy to pick from

• Eliminate labor required for searching and returning

• Decide placing volume bused on usage volume (1 time, 1 day)

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 25

(1) Where it will be used Clarification of usage objective and place

(2) Where it will be placed Near where it will be used so that work can be done while walking. Stand-up operations

(3) How much will be placed Maximum, Minimum, Order point

(4) How will it be placed Easy to place, Easy to remove (one-touch operation)

(5) Indication of placing location Coloring, boundaries

(6) Recognize visually Illustrative indication, component name indication, Quantity indication

(7) Stagnating time is visible First in- First out, Recognize by observing placement date

(8) Decide person in-charge of supervision Indicate person responsible

Decision standards for fixed positions

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 26

Seiton = Systematic Arrangement Seiton = Systematic Arrangement

How to achieve Systematic Arrangement ?

• Decide where things belong • Decide how things should be put away • Obey the Put away rules

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 27

Seiton = Systematic Arrangement Seiton = Systematic Arrangement How to achieve Systematic Arrangement ? • Decide where things belong

• Standardize Nomenclature • Determine an analytical method of storage

• Decide how things should be put away

• Name & locations to everything. Label both item and location

• Store material functionally • Prevent mistakes with coding by shapes & color


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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 28

Seiton = Systematic Arrangement Seiton = Systematic Arrangement

How to achieve Systematic Arrangement ? • Decide how things should be put away

• Follow first in first out rule • If two identical items are to be located, then store

them separately, color code them. • Obey the rules

• Put the things back to their location after their use

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 29

Examples of tools arrangement (Seiton)

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 30

SEITON = Systematic Arrangement SEITON = Systematic Arrangement

The main target areas for Seri-Seiton improvement are : Tool-setting and preparation operations, line balancing and process planning, peak time problems etc.

Improvement Methods Kit Method / Assembly box method / Outside tool setting Cassettisation / Parallel operations / Changes in

assignment method

The main target areas for Seri-Seiton improvement are : Tool-setting and preparation operations, line balancing and process planning, peak time problems etc.

Improvement Methods Kit Method / Assembly box method / Outside tool setting Cassettisation / Parallel operations / Changes in

assignment method

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 31

SEITON = Systematic Arrangement SEITON = Systematic Arrangement

Meaning To determine type of storage and layout that will ensure easy accessibility for everyone .

Meaning To determine type of storage and layout that will ensure easy accessibility for everyone .

Activity - Functional storage - Creating place for everything and putting everything in its place

Success - Time saved in searching Indicator - Time saved in material handling

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 32


Give me three examples of areas that could benefit from systematic arrangement/


Slide 32

isc4 This wiull conclude the second module of the presentation. Sid Calayag, 10/9/2006

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 33

Third Module

SEISO (Shine-Clean)

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 34

Take action to prevent dirtiness and its occurrence

SEISO (Shine, cleaning) refers to : Removal of dirt and by investigating source of dirt preparing countermeasures

Identify source of occurrence


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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 35

Actions to prevent dirtiness and its occurrence refers to: countermeasures against source of occurrence include countermeasures (challenge towards common sense) for process methods (defects in processing conditions etc.)

• The basic point is sweeping, cleaning and inspecting • It is also important to take immediate actions such as placing a

cover etc. • Accumulation of small points will lead to a situation where

sweeping is not required

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 36

Meaning Cleaning trash, filth, dust and other foreign matter. Cleaning as a form of Inspection.

Meaning Cleaning trash, filth, dust and other foreign matter. Cleaning as a form of Inspection.

Activity - Keep workplace spotlessly clean - Inspection while cleaning - Finding minor problems with cleaning inspection

Success - Reduction in machine down time Indicator - Reduction in no. of accidents


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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 37


Give me three examples of areas that could benefit from cleaning.


Slide 37

isc5 ntil here, we can conclude the first ,module of the presentation. Sid Calayag, 10/9/2006

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 38

Make abnormalities visible in management points

SEIKETSU (Standardization ) refers to: Standardization of 5S through ‘visual management’

Grasp vital points for management


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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 39

Standardization of 5S


Clarification of vital points for management - What are the minute defects - Basic conditions: Cleanliness, refueling, replace tightly bind

fast, dirt, looseness - Operating conditions: lighting, temperature, time, weight,

Equipment, jigs and tools, sub-materials


Prepare standards for the conditions - Objectivity of judgment standards for normal versus

abnormal - Judgment without using measurement, knowledge, intuition

and knack

(3) Judgment standards for abnormalities

- Inspection methods that can be used by anybody - Methods for actions against abnormalities

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 40

Points for Visual Management (1) Recognize well even from a distance

(2) There are indicators on items to be managed

(3) Whether good or bad is clear, and anybody can point out

(4) Anybody can use, and convenient if used

(5) Anybody can follow and repair quickly

(6) Use of tools leads to neatness

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 41


Regularizing 5S activities by putting systems in place – Everyone does things the same way Make it easy for everyone to identify the state of normal or abnormal condition. For maintaining previous 3S, use visual management


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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 42

Meaning Setting up standards / Norms for a neat, clean, workplace and details of how to maintain the norm (Procedure)

Meaning Setting up standards / Norms for a neat, clean, workplace and details of how to maintain the norm (Procedure)

Activity - Innovative visual management - Color coding - Early detection of problem and early action

Success - Increase in 5S indicator Indicator


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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 43


Give example of how to make the practice become standard.

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 44

Innovate to ensure observance

SHITSUKE (Sustain ) refers to: Preparation of workplace atmosphere where visual management is properly observed

Check state of observance of standardization of 5S


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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 45

Make ‘5S’ is a HABIT Without this, the time involved in all the other S will be in vain.


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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 46

Shitsuke = Self Discipline Shitsuke = Self Discipline

We need everyone to maintain 5S guidelines. To maintain DISCIPLINE, we need to practice and repeat until it becomes a way of life. Discipline is the Core of 5S

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

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Commitment + Everyone’s Involvement = Success to 5S

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 48

Meaning Every one sticks to the rule and makes it a habit

Meaning Every one sticks to the rule and makes it a habit

Activity - Participation of everyone in developing good habits - Regular audits and aiming for higher level

Success - High employee morale

Indicator - Involvement of all people


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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 49

The rules… Remove fixed ideas. Think of ways to make it possible. No excuses needed. Go for the simple solution, not the perfect one. Correct mistakes right away. Repeat ‘Why’ 5 times. Ask ideas from many people. There is no end to improvement.

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 50

The benefits . . . Reduced set-up times

Reduce searching time

Increased floor space

Lower safety incident/accident rate

Less wasted labor

Higher Quality

Lower cost

Reliable Delivery

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 51

5 S Element Waste/ Improvement Item Deliverable

Sorting-Visual Placement

Elimination of finding. Elimination of nonconformances. Elimination of motion. Reduction of part selection errors.

Reduced Costs Increased Safety Improved Quality Increased Product Options.

Systematic Organization

Elimination of finding. Reduction of part selection errors.

Reduced Costs Improved Quality Increased Product Options

Scrubbing Clean Increased safety. Preventive maintenance. Increased equipment knowledge.

Increased Safety Improved Quality

Standardization Control

Increased equipment life. Higher morale. Clean environment. Increased visibility of nonconformances.

Improved Quality Consistent Delivery Improved Safety

Elimination of Waste

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 52

5 S Implementation




Cleanliness Visual Placement

Standardization Progressive


Step 1

Establish 5 S

Implementation Team

Step 2

Develop Specific

Implementation Plan

Step 3

Develop Communication


Step 4

Develop 5 S Training Plan Step 5

Implement 5 S

Step 6

Verification of Effectiveness

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 53

5S Audit

Conduct an audit to measure improvement

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 54

Roles and Responsibility Leaders must set the tone and lead by example. We should commit to the initiative, Provide time to the workforce to develop and implement 5S changes. Any implementation should have a drive. Conduct short, focused and frequent communication sessions. Share the successes

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 55

6 Sigma • Disciplined Methodology • Technical Approach

(Quantitative) • Data Driven - Statistical • Customer Focus • Reduce Variation • Focus on Large Impact • Larger/Longer Projects

Kaizen • Philosophical Approach • Common Sense Approach

(Qualitative) • Data Driven - Observation • Operational Focus • Waste Elimination 5S • Incremental Change • Smaller/Shorter Projects

Complimentary Tools Driving Continuous Improvement

Expanding the Strategy Performance Excellence

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Version 1: Rev. 0 Date: September 25, 2006

By: Sid Calayag QAQC Manager LSI-3 Project

Quality Assurance page 56

Comparative Analysis Improvement Methodologies • Similar in Structure • Improvements measured against established process • Team oriented

• Similar improvement tools • Measure effectiveness of improvements • Maintain new performance level • Standardize & Proceduralize

Results • More Efficient Processes Comparison • Both are Effective Improvement Mechanisms • CPI/6s best applied to large complex problems • Kaizen/Lean best applied to achieve incremental changes and eliminate wastes.

Measure - Data Collection - Determine Process Potential / Goals Evaluate - Root Cause / Vital Few - Statistical Analysis Improve & Verify - Implement Improvement - Validate Improvement Standardize - Standardize / Leverage - SPC - Update Procedures

Evaluate - Baseline Process Performance - Establish Target Decide -Compare solutions - Choose Act -Communicate - Implement improvement - Control Measure - Validate improvement - Standardize - Update Procedures

Focus - Reduce Process Variation - Identify Critical Cause and Focus Resources for Maximum Impact

Focus - Eliminate Waste 5S - Seek Incremental Process Changes

Kaizen/Lean 6σ

Summary - Technical Approach based on Statistical Analysis - Requires Significant Data Collection - Best applied to Manufacturing Processes - Typical Projects 1-3 Months

Summary - Common Sense Approach based on Observation - Applicable to all types of processes - Defined improvement strategy - Typical Projects 1 week

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