3 Registration Page Mistakes That Leave Your Workshop and Seminar Rooms Empty



If you have trouble filling your workshops and seminars, chances are that it isn't your promotional efforts. More likely that it's your registration page. Here are the top 3 registration page mistakes that keep your workshop and seminar rooms empty.

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3 Registration Page Mistakes That Keep Your

Workshop Rooms Empty

By Daphne Bousquet, CMP

Registration page mistakes are the main reasons

no one is registering for your workshops or seminars

The purpose of your registration page is to convert your web traffic into actual attendees

That means it has to SELL.

And frankly, most of the event pages I have seen,

for lack of a better word, stink!

Selling is a dirty word to many seminar leaders, who just want to teach

Get over it!

You need people in your workshop to teach.

Without it, you might as well become a volunteer

at the local community center.

You need money in the bank in order to serve the

people who need you.

You can send all the traffic in the world

through social media

or even pay per click advertising

to your event page,

but if it doesn’t do its primary job of converting

visitors into attendees,

you are wasting your time and money.

Here are the top 3 mistakes on

your registration pages:

Mistake #1:No Headline

The headline of your page should NOT be the

title of your workshop

or even worse, the city and the date

You have 5-7 seconds to capture your visitors’ attention

Don’t waste it on a city and a date

that they can get later

Craft a benefit driven headline that captures your readers’ attention,

arouses their curiosity and makes them want to read on

Mistake #2:Too Many Distractions

If you give your visitors the option to do something other than register, they will

You confuse them, and a confused mind

never buys

Give your registration page on the net the clean look

of a landing page

It will do wonders for your conversion rates.

Mistake #3:Not Using Enough Space

The nice thing about the internet is that you can use

as much space as you need

You don’t have to keep your copy to the front and back

of an 8-1/2” by 11” page

Go on; add as much copy as you need to tell

your prospects about your event

Tell them: WHY they need to be there, how they will BENEFIT and

What they would MISS out on

if they didn’t go

Don’t skimp on this

In this case, short is NOT sweet

Your prospects have questions

It is YOUR job to answer them before they click away

and decide they don’t need to come to your event.

They came to your registration page because they have a problem,

one that your workshop can solve for them

Communicate that on your registration page.

Think of your registration page as a conversation

between you

and someone who is interested in your workshop

What would you tell them?

Why should they come?

What will you teach them and more importantly,

How will that benefit them?

Are you making any of these mistakes?

Make sure you plug the leaks in your event page and

You will see your registrations increase.

For more strategies to fill your workshops and seminars

without driving yourself crazy,

Pick up a copy of my FREE seminar marketing eBook at EventStrategySolutions.com
