2012 values, beliefs and human kinds




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1. Values, Beliefs & Human Kinds Understanding Your Human Heritage 2012 Denise M. Ajeto, Ed.D.Thursday, March 29, 2012 2. AGENDA ~ Triangles & Reading Test ~ Human Kinds What the heck are those? ~ Process of Perception ~ Values Exercise Putting it all together ~ Values Who gives us our values? What function do they serve?Thursday, March 29, 2012 3. Triangles PARIS BIRD IN THE IN THE THE SPRING THE HAND ONCE IN A A LIFETIME Source: Executive Diversity Services, Inc. (2002)Thursday, March 29, 2012 4. Reading Test In raeding a wrod, the olny necassry tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. Yuor mnid supppleis the wrods form tohse cuues alnoe. It tnues out all tohse woorngly palced lteters.Thursday, March 29, 2012 5. The Process of Perception: We see what we expect to see Brain is pre-wired to categorize Efcient Fast Survive Evolve Mind is wired via relationship & experience (relationship) Parents Culture Religion Lens Media School Technology Interpret/Navigate the world Oh, I know what that meansThursday, March 29, 2012 6. Filters ~ Culture ~ Stereotypes/Generalizations (All ___ people are ...) ~ Education ~ History/Experience (You think something) Input Output Stimulus/Information Behaviors/Actions/Beliefs (You observe something) (You do something) The Process of Perception (How we see what we expect to see)Thursday, March 29, 2012 7. All good people agree, And all good people say, All nice people, like us, are We, And everyone else is They. -Rudyard Kipling A Friend of the FamilyThursday, March 29, 2012 8. VALUES (culture) What are Values? Why do we have Values? Who gives us our Values?Thursday, March 29, 2012 9. Values ~ Central shoulds and oughts ~ Few in number ~ Develop early in life -18 months 3 years - Deeply held - Pre-verbal - Unconscious - Unexamined Values we have by age 10, are the values we will have our entire life, unless we have a SEE that causes us to re-evaluate them.Thursday, March 29, 2012 10. Two Kinds of Values Terminal InstrumentalThursday, March 29, 2012 11. Terminal Values Instrumental Values (Espoused Values) (Lived Values) Goals or Shared Values Behaviors or Actions (What) (How) World peace What we do to express Honesty or demonstrate the Integrity terminal value or help Respect us achieve it Universal Cultural Most would agree these This is the way we do are good or important. things around here. Internal VisibleThursday, March 29, 2012 12. Eight Values Found In All National Cultures Studied (not in priority order) LOVE TRUTH FREEDOM FAIRNESS COMMUNITY TOLERANCE RESPONSIBILITY REVERENCE FOR LIFE Source: Rushworth Kidder from the Institute for Global Ethics: Shared Values for a Troubled World - Jossey-Bass, 1994Thursday, March 29, 2012 13. INDIVIDUALISM COMPETITION & WINNING MATERIAL POSSESSIONS & COMFORT TEN KEY AMERICAN VALUES WORK ETHIC DOING & ACHIEVING COOPERATION & FAIR PLAY YOUTH & ATTRACTIVENESS PROGRESS/CHANGE EQUALITY FAMILY Sources: Gary Althen, American Ways, Intercultural Press, 1989. Edward C. Stewart & Milton Bennett, American Cultural Patterns: A Cross Cultural Perspective, Intercultural Press, 1994.Thursday, March 29, 2012 14. HANDSHAKE: I have no weapon in my hand INDIVIDUALISM COMPETITION & WINNING DOING & ACHIEVING COOPERATION & FAIR PLAY BUSINESS (U.S. Mainstream) COMMUNITY TOLERANCE RESPONSIBILITY REVERENCE FOR LIFE RELATIONSHIPThursday, March 29, 2012 15. EYE CONTACT: Showing Respect Direct = Respect Indirect = Respect What message from parents? Look at me when I talk to you! Dont look at me when I talk to you!Thursday, March 29, 2012 16. HUMAN KINDS Source: Berreby D. (2005) Us and Them: Understanding Your Tribal Mind, Little, Brown & Co.Thursday, March 29, 2012 17. Human Kinds are roles or scripts (or norms) Mother Teacher Manager Employee Police Ofcer Leader Male Female Adult ChildThursday, March 29, 2012 18. Human Kinds also dene who you are... ... or who you can be Knowing kind of person you are affects: ~ how you see yourself & the world ~ where you belong... or dont belong ~ the choices you make Good student Loser Athletic Helpless Capable vs Ugly Intelligent Stupid Achiever Not leadership material Other Scripts: Generational Gender Professional CulturalThursday, March 29, 2012 19. Human Kinds allow us to predict behavior - Which is a critical human need Survival: Friend or Foe? Share/Not Share? Security: Know how to behave / Avoid trouble Social Contract Avoid being ostracized (also about survival) Manage fear of uncertainty Denial of Death Self-esteem: Sense of belonging Sense of competence/worth Avoid SHAMEThursday, March 29, 2012 20. Human Kinds = Instrumental Values Instrumental Values = Culture Strategies that a particular group develops in order to survive and successfully navigate in the larger social [organizational] world. These strategies work so well they are deemed worthy of passing on. (Schein) This is the way we do [_____]. or This is what [_____] means.Thursday, March 29, 2012 21. We relish the norm, while overlooking the productive potential to be found in variance. - Ken CorbettThursday, March 29, 2012 22. Exercise in ValuesThursday, March 29, 2012 23. EXERCISE IN VALUES A family of Vietnamese has come to a forest camp together. Mr. Nguyen (Mr. Win) goes to the Recreation Manager to ask if they may use the recreation facility on Monday evening for traditional dancing. The Manager says yes. Monday evening arrives and the Vietnamese enter the recreation facility to nd a large group of young men using the facility. When Mr. Nguyen approaches Charles, the apparent leader, a confrontation ensues. Charles says the recreation facility is rst come, rst served and they were there rst. The Vietnamese leave. The next morning Mr. Nguyen approaches the Recreation Manager and explains the problem. The Manager states that there had been a mistake since the facilities are, in fact, rst come, rst served. Mr. Nguyen is told he will need to nd another place for his activities. That evening when the group of young men enter the facility they nd that the Vietnamese are already there and have begun their dancing. Another confrontation occurs between Charles and Mr. Nguyen during which Tom, one of the young men, shouts Why dont you freaks just go back where you belong. Peter, one of the young men, feels badly about the confrontation and the comment but says nothing. The young men leave the facility but go to the Vietnamese familys campsite and dump garbage all over it. When Mai, one of the Vietnamese women, hears what has happened, she gets angry and smashes the headlight on one of the young mens cars. The Recreational Manager is called to resolve the situation.Thursday, March 29, 2012 24. Rank the six people in this story: 1 (acted most honorably) to 6 (acted least honorably) First ranking: INDIVIDUAL 2 minutes Second ranking: TEAM 5 minutes Mr. Nguyen _____ Peter _____ Rec Manager _____ Charles _____ Mai _____ Tom _____ Rules: 1. Each number can only be used once a. No double ranking / No ties 2. Must have group consensusThursday, March 29, 2012 25. Lessons Learned Forced to do the activity fast & then you had to get consensus! ~ Not enough time ~ Not enough information What you were seeing were their Instrumental Values (behaviors/actions) What you were judging from were your Terminal Values Every day, we make hundreds of decisions with even less time or information than you had in the exercise.Thursday, March 29, 2012 26. The next time you observe yourself reacting to something that someone is doing... Take a moment to pause and ask yourself: - Why am I reacting to this behavior? - What other meanings might there be for this behavior? - Is it a difference that makes a difference? - Is there something cultural going on here?Thursday, March 29, 2012 27. What did you learn from this session? (Group Dialogue)Thursday, March 29, 2012