2009 Social Media. The conversation has started...Where are you?


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By 2010, Gen Y will outnumber Baby Boomers....

96% have already joined a social network.

The fastest growing segment on Facebook is 55-65, females.

80% of companies use LinkedIn as a primary tool to find employees.

~ Social Media Revolution

Generation Y and Z consider email passé...

In 2009, Boston College stopped

distributing email addresses to freshmen.

~ Social Media Revolution

#2 largest search engine in the world is

In the near future, we will no longer search

for products and services; they will find us via

social media.

~ Social Media Revolution

Successful companies in social mediaact more like party planners,

aggregators, and content providers than traditional advertisers.

~ Social Media Revolution

Socrates taught his followers the true power of words.

~ Social Media Revolution

Best Buy recently posted a seemingly innocent question on its

Facebook page: “What do you think about offering Bestbuy.com in

Spanish?” It didn’t get the constructive dialogue that it was looking

for says Tracey Benson, Best Buy’s senior director of interactive

marketing media:

“It was a landmine. There were hundreds of negative responses flowing in, people posting racist, rude comments”

Feedback doesn’t always reflect the actual voice of the customer. A loud minority can disrupt almost any conversation. If you initiate a conversation, you should have rules for terminating

it. Being open and honest sometimes requires being firm and intolerant

~ Social Media Revolution

LISTEN to the BUZZ – enter the conversation, listen and respond.

STRATEGY – develop a strategy and select the Social Media tools.

Outbound vs. INBOUND


Measurements to ROI

What are they saying about your products and company?

Is it positive or negative?

Discover where they are talking about you

What is the buzz, where is it

taking place, what is your

competition doing?

Eavesdrop and listen with a purpose

◦ Do you like what they are saying about your Brand?

Google News Alert, RSS Reader

Socialmention.com, Howsociable.com

Facebook, Twitter Search, YouTube

Google BlogSearch, Blogpulse.com



Google Groups

PhotoBucket.com, Flickr.com

Paid Tools: Trackur.com, BrandsEye.com, FiltrBox.com

LISTEN to the Buzz

Gauge Market Share or the Voice

Grab a Share of the Voice =

Market Share

Set Goals to Maximize ROI

Determine Your Online


Create content that is on point

Reaching customers through traditional marketing means.

Social Media (Inbound)

Measures Loyalty, Engagement and

Support and Trust


Relationships Mentions

Traditional Media(Outbound)

Measures the Media’s




◦ News Release using multimedia and bookmarks

◦ Blogs, Podcasts, Video, RSS Feeds

◦ Microblogging (i.e. Twitter)

◦ Social Networks (i.e. Facebook, LinkedIn)

Facilitate a Two-way


Reviews, opinions and

comments are the top

influencers when purchasing

Engage the conversation with quality content and provide the social media tools to share and discuss

Results = they talk positively about you and share with in the community

Determine what you want to measure

Qualitative Approach: Reputation, Conversations, Customer Relationships

Quantitative Approach: Measuring traffic, sales or SEO ranking◦ Aide RSS, Google Analytics, Google Feedburner

◦ xinureturns.com

Twendz.com – measures Twitter for positive, negative and neutral tweets

Technorati.com – determine what bloggers think of you

Delicious.com – bookmark case studies while developing goals

Websitegrader.com – will grade your site and tell you exactly what you have to do to improve your grade

Blog.grader.com – does the same thing for a blog

Compete.com – enter your website with your competitors which it will then compare all of you. See how you stack up.

Techcrunch.com – for statistics

http://kdpaine.blogs.com PR measurement blog
