11 top unique retirement gift ideas in dubai


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1. A miniature of the retiree at officeyou can get a miniature of retiree at his/her desk in the office and offer it as a retirement gift.

2. Funny gifts to keep "lost chilhood"  alive  Give some comic books he or she love reading  or a scrapbook with details about funny  incidents from their past.

3. Hobby gifts gift a golf kit to one who loves playing golf, a  latest model camera to one who loves photography, a painting kit to  a great artist or even a kitchen kit including  recipe book. 

you can plan a social party and call all his/her colleague, childhood friends and relatives.

6. Arrange for a social gathering 

Gift customized retirement t-shirts with notes like “No Tension…Its Time To Enjoy Pension” or “I Am Retired… Not You…Have Fun At Work Tomorrow” etc.

5. Humor Gifts 

create a customized retirement basket with some board games like chess, carom  or tickets for the retiree & family to  park, theater or zoo

4. Grandchildren fun gift basket

7. Travel Gifts  if you are planning to make a gift as a group, you all can even take up the initiative of arranging for a complete trip for 3-4 days.

8. A coffee mug set with coffee makerYou can gift the retiree a coffee mug with a note reading – “we miss the coffee session with you”. 

9. Industrial gifts 

This can be a scrapbook containing details of each and every project he/she has been a part of or supervised

10. Experience gifts 

either gifting tickets to a movie or any concert or can even arrange a candlelight dinner for the retiree and his/her partner.

11. A gift with "years of service"

 You can even include any noteworthy achievement of the retiree with respect to the field he was assigned to.

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