11 businesses you can start with little or no money


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11 Businesses You Can Start With Little Or No Money This is a popular sought topic on search engines; this is because starting a business with little capital is what most people dream of. Starting and running a business is not just about the profit, it also greatly depends on the technical skills, industry expertise and of course your vision and willpower to succeed. So, I came up with the list outlined below on different businesses you may want to start up now, with concrete insight on how to run them. *Clothes Sales: With a wide range of new fashion designs emanating from the fashion industry, this business has grown a lot. There are thus, several options to tap into this market. You first and foremost determine the type of clothes to sell, and the name of your brand, then you a get a shop in an open environment, whereby the shop advertises itself. The next step is to find business brokers and promote your business both online and offline. *Cell phone Accessories Retail: Yes! With the cell phone market growing immensely, GSM accessories are thus in high demand all over the world. It is perfect for people looking for low startup capital businesses, as you need not necessarily be a shop owner before this business can be setup. With a capital as low as N20,000 you can get your first stock. *Photography: I know what you are thinking, but before you skip this, think about your financial need. This a very high income earning job you need to start with little capital. During high school graduations, college matriculations or convocations, weddings or birthdays, you would be glad you read this article. If you don’t know how to handle a camera, you can get a tutor or better still hire someone who is familiar with it. All you need is a camera, the film, the printing machine and you are ready to go. *Driving: Hold on my friend, before you crucify me, I am not suggesting you become a taxi driver, you have your self esteem to protect. Now see reasons with me, you may have a car, that you use to cruise around the town, that does nothing but make you spend for fuel and engine repairs, why don’t you make it produce money rather than milk you of the little cents you have. You probably live in a street where your neighbours have children that go to school, why don’t

you volunteer to drop them off for extra cash? Or go to a supermarket, a small company like a bakery and offer to be their delivery man. Now here is another brilliant idea, start a driving school. Teach other people the skill you got. *Tutoring: Being a tutor is very honourable, you got the knowledge about certain subjects; pass down that knowledge to people for a token. Take home lessons with adults and children, and get yourself from the no-money zone. *Barbing Saloon: You don’t necessarily need to have barbing skills to own a hair salon; you could always hire someone to do it for you. A little capital is just what you need. *Software Installation/Phone Pimping: Here in Nigeria, this has become a routine many youths undergo to have that extra cash. Install software, upload themes, music, videos and pictures into phones and p.c’s for money. Little capital is needed for this business. *Recharge Card Printing: There is no doubt that this has transformed many individuals. As people continue to buy millions of recharge card vouchers every day, this business has continued to make people rich. You can start with a capital of N 10,000This is one area I personally have invested into. I’ll be sharing soon with you guys the items you need and how you can start this business. *Ghost Writing: This is a very lucrative business for just anyone with the skill of writing. Ghost writing is popularly called Freelance Writing. You can write articles for website owners or companies and get paid. How do you get such contract? There are certain websites that connects employers with employees. Such Websites include elance.com, indeed.com, simplyhired.com, freelancewriting.com. These sites are open to just anyone, sign up and find a job. I got my first freelancing job on elance and earned $33 for writing a blog article for a Canadian. No money needed to start this business. Your skill does it all. *Affiliate Marketing: This business involves you working with an online company who sells a product, you advertise their product and you get a certain percentage

of whatever you sell. Companies like Jumia, Konga, Bluehost, Qservers, Clickbank and a host of others all run the affiliate program. Most of these affiliate companies require their advertisers to have a website while some offer referral links which you can use to refer people to their service. This business is very lucrative and it requires less work on your part and no capital. Search online for various affiliate companies you could apply to work for. *Blogging: While most people would put this as the number one business, I decided to save the best for last. It requires little or no capital but requires effort and persistence if you are to make huge cash. Now for the newcomers, a blog is where you share your ideas and opinion on a particular subject you are perfect on. This has served many individuals for generation with huge chunk of money. What you need to do is choose a niche, get your domain, either free or purchased (note: Purchased domains are better), write contents, build your audience, and monetize your blog, and watch yourself get rich. It is not as easy as you read it. It could take months for your seeds to harvest, but I assure you when it does, you could quit your day job to become a full time blogger. I hope this article could lend a helping hand, please share it with others through our social media share buttons.
