103 Reasons to Celebrate Dr. Juran’s Birthday


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Who Was Joseph M. Juran

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Born in Braila, Romania December 24, 1904, in a tiny, one-story masonry house

Childhood & Young Adulthood: (1904-1920)

The “M” in Joseph M. Juran stands for Moses 1912

His family immigrated to America when he was 8 years old


Graduated from Minneapolis South High School

He was one of six children

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He was a very talented chess player, playing mentally with his brother after “lights out”


Enrolled at the University of Minnesota and was the first in his family to pursue higher education

Childhood & Young Adulthood: (1904-1920)

He skipped the equivalent of four grade levels in school because of his proficiency in math and science

His brother was Academy Award winner Nathan H. Juran

His first job was selling copies of the Minneapolis Tribune with his older brother, Rudy, when they were ages 11 and 8

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His first full-time job was troubleshooting in the Complaint Department at Western Electric


Worked at Hawthorne Works, a factory complex of Western Electric, where he worked along with Walter Shewhart, developer of the statistical control chart. Dr. W. Edwards Deming worked at the same plant during the summers of 1925 and 1926, though they did not meet until the 1940s in Washington, D.C.

Early Adulthood: (1921-1940)

Received a B.S. in electrical engineering from the University of Minnesota


Had about 16 jobs during his time in Minneapolis, including a grocery clerk, an ice house bookkeeper, member of the Prohibition Committee, delivery boy, and chess column editor for the Minneapolis Star

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Enrolled in Loyola University Chicago School of Law to pursue a law degree as a back-up plan during the Great Depression

Wrote a pamphlet entitled "Statistical Methods Applied to Manufacturing Problems“


Early Adulthood: (1921-1940)


One of three people assigned to a new department at Western Electric to carry out statistical quality control

Married Sadie Shapiro, and was married for almost 82 years

They had four children: Robert, Sylvia, Charles, and Donald

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Became chief of Industrial Engineering at Western Electric’s New York office

He created the Pareto Principle which is used to separate the “vital few” from the “useful many”


Received his Doctorate of Jurisprudence; Admitted to the Illinois bar, but never practiced law

Early Adulthood: (1921-1940)Left his job at Western Electric to work in Washington, D.C. upon

invitation by the government to participate in the Lend-Lease administration during World War II. The telegram that was sent to

Western Electric requesting the loan of his services stated that it would be for only 6 weeks. He departed on his 37th birthday and commenced work on Christmas day, 1941. He was officially placed on government

payroll effective January 14, 1942. He resigned the day after the Japanese surrender on August 14, 1945


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By the end of World War II, Dr. Juran was a well-known and highly-regarded statistician and industrial engineering theorist

Middle Adulthood: (1941-1978)

He joined the faculty of New York University as an adjunct professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering where he stayed until 1951

1945 1951

Published the first Quality Control Handbook

Left Washington, D.C. to study quality management with the intention that the best way to support his family going forward was through freelance quality management consulting


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Middle Adulthood: (1941-1978)

Dr. Juran was invited by the Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) to make nine visits to Japan to teach and demonstrate his quality management methods

1952Invitations to Japan were also extended from Toyota, Matsushita, and Bridgestone

The principles that Dr. Juran taught in Japan helped many companies there, like the automaker Toyota to become global leaders in their industries

Dr. Juran brought an overhead projector to Japan for a public lecture. At that time, it was the only such machine in the entire country

Published Universals in Management Planning and Controlling


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The Juran Trilogy®

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Middle Adulthood: (1941-1978)


Started courses in quality management in Japan for top and middle managers

Juran’s course “Managing for Quality” has been taught to more than 100,000 people in over 40 countries 1956

Published Improving the Relationship between Staff and Line

Published Cultural Patterns and Quality Control

1957 1957

Published Industrial Diagnostics - A Systematic Approach to Management Problem-Solving

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Quality Control Handbook, Second Edition was published

Middle Adulthood: (1941-1978)

Published Japan Revisited


Published Pioneering in Quality Control


Published Different to You but Alike to Me

1963 1964

Published Managerial Breakthrough which was the first book to provide step-by-step sequence for breakthrough improvement

Was a contributing author and editor of “Management's Corner” in Industrial Quality Control for 16 years 1964

Published The Two Worlds of Quality Control

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During a visit to Japan, Dr. Juran learned about the Japanese concept of quality circles, which he then brought to the West

Middle Adulthood: (1941-1978)

Published Whose Quality Costs?


Was the first to add the human dimension to quality management

Was the first to conclude cultural resistance to change was a major problem in reforming quality practices


PublishedSo, You Want To Be a Quality Control Consultant

Published Quality Problems, Remedies and Nostrums


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Became the eighth honorary member of ASQ


Published The QC Circle Phenomenon

Middle Adulthood: (1941-1978)

During a presentation to the Kyoto University in Japan, Dr. Juran was asked if he would lend his name to a new quality prize to be awarded to companies that had won the Deming Prize for the second time. Dr. Juran graciously declined, suggesting they name the new prize the Japan Prize. Later he realized he must have misunderstood the question and regretted the naming outcome.

1966 1967

Published The Japanese QC Circles: Questions and Answers


Published Operator Errors - Time for a New Look

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Published Mobilizing for the 1970s

1969 1970

Published Quality Planning and Analysis as the first textbook for quality engineers


Published Consumerism and Product Quality

Published Quality Control in Service Industries


Middle Adulthood: (1941-1978)


Published The Taylor System and Quality Control

Quality Control Handbook, Third Edition was published


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Published Quality Control of Service in 1974 Japanese Symposium

Published The Non-Pareto Principle; Mea Culpa

1975 1976

Published Khrushchev's Venture into Quality Improvement

PublishedThat Uninterested Top Management


Middle Adulthood: (1941-1978)

Published A Visit to Complex Systems, Inc.


His mission for the Juran Institute was to “improve the quality of society”


Founded the Juran Institute

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He received the emperor’s award of the Order of the Sacred Treasure, Second Class for the development of Quality in Japan. The Second Class is the highest award that may be given to a non-Japanese

Helped to create the U.S. Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award

Later Years: (1979-2008)

Published Product Quality - A Prescription for the West


When introducing Dr. Juran at the Annual Quality Congress in 1986, a previous ASQ president compared him to a baseball player that played every position


Published Japanese and Western Quality - a Contrast

The Juran Trilogy® was published and was accepted worldwide as the basis for quality management


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Juran’s Quality Control Handbook, Fourth Edition was published

1988 1988

Awarded membership in the National Academy of Engineering for “pioneering contributions in developing the practice of statistical quality control, and in developing engineering design principles based on statistical concepts”


He traveled internationally until age 86

Later Years: (1979-2008)

Published Strategies for World-Class Quality

1991 1992

Awarded the National Medal of Technology by President George H. W. Bush, for “his lifetime work of providing the key principles and methods by which enterprises manage the quality of their products and processes, enhancing their ability to compete in the global marketplace”

Awarded the European Organization for Quality’s medal, “in recognition of his valuable contributions to quality in Europe”


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Published The Japanese Revolution in Quality Remembrance and Prognosis

Later Years: (1979-2008)


Published Made in USA: A Renaissance in Qualityand published Address to the Business Round Table

Published Our Managers Are As Good As Any in The World


Although he officially retired in 1994, Dr. Juran continued to stay involved with the Juran Institute

Retired at age 90 but continued to give interviews

Began writing his memoirs at age 92


Considered the father of modern day

quality management

Published A History of Managing for Quality


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Received over 40 honorary doctorates, honorary memberships, medals, and plaques

Later Years: (1979-2008)

Author of more than 20 books

Visited Sweden over 30 times

Juran’s Quality Handbook, Fifth Edition was published

1998 2002

Published his memoirs, Architect of Quality at age 97

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Passed away at age 103 after 82 years of marriage. He was survived by Sadie, his four children, nine grandchildren and ten great grandchildren.


PublishedThe Juran Generation

Later Years: (1979-2008)

The Juran Institute’s 25th anniversary also served as Dr. Juran’s 100th birthday party

The University of Minnesota named the “Joseph M. Juran Center for Leadership in Quality Fellowships”

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Noteworthy Quotes by Dr. Juran

"It is most important that top

management be quality-minded. In

the absence of sincere

manifestation of interest at the top, little will happen


“My job of contributing to the welfare of my fellow

man is the great unfinished business.”

“If America does not speed up its efforts to improve quality the Japanese will overtake us in 10

years.” - 1969

“Goal setting has traditionally been based on

past performance. This practice has tended to

perpetuate the sins of the past.”

“All improvement happens project by project and in no

other way.”Thank you & Happy Birthday

Dr. Juran

To learn more about Dr. Juran please just Google him or

contact us.

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