10 Tips to Get More Clients and Improve Your Online Reputation by Answering Questions



Want to get more leads, site traffic and improve your online reputation? Use these 10 tips to answer questions and be known as an expert in your field.

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Recover Reputation

How to Get More Leads and Improve Your Online Reputation?

Answer Questions!

Recover Reputation

As Google shifts towards answering questions

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Improving your online reputation to be an industry expert

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Can lead to more customers.

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Sites such as Quora and Yahoo! Answers have gained popularity because of user’s desire to post questions.

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Being the perceived expert in your field builds trust.

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Which in turn brings customers because they want to deal with experts who know their problem and how to solve it.

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By putting good content online

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and answering potential clients questions

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naturally draws inquires, site traffic and closed deals.

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Which answers do you trust or what ones are best for you?

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An answer from the perceived expert could be most useful and trusted.

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But how does one become the go-to industry “answer expert”?

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Building or boosting your online reputation by engaging with your audience is key

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as well as creating excellent content in the form of blog posts, videos, presentations and whitepapers.

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Here are 10 tips.

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1. Read current blog posts or articles by trusted sources

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2. Narrow and know your niche Be THE expert.

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3. Make a list of common questionsExpand this to include additional questions that industry experts are asking.

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4. Write answers. These could be brief, general sketches or very detailed.

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5. Search online and see the results.Are there many answers? Most importantly, what questions are not being answered?

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6. Optimize for Search EnginesSEO is very important because it helps get you found by Google, Bing and Yahoo.

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7. Post your answers online, in question form, to LinkedIn, Facebook, Blog posts

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8. Create YouTube video answer Video is ranked highly by Google and gives viewers a chance to see what you look like, providing an additional level of trust.

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9. Answer similar or related questions.LinkedIn, Quora, provide great opportunities to answer a range of related or existing questions.

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10.Google AlertBe notified when ever a key phrase or question is posted

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Questions?Steven W. GiovincoRecover Reputation347-421-7598steve@recoverreputation.comwww.recoverreputation.com
