10 Insights from Co-Founder of Ideal Bite, Jen Boulden




A successful entrepreneur and media personality, Jen Boulden is a true pioneer in the green business world. She co-founded Ideal Bite in 2005 to cater to the untapped “light green consumer” market, and grew the company to over half-a-million subscribers to the daily eco email before selling the venture to The Walt Disney Company in 2008. Listen to the full 33voices interview with Jen at http://www.33voices.com/jen-boulden/audio

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PRESENTS10 Inspirational Moments:



Accomplished green business entrepreneur

Co-Founder of Ideal Bite


Insight #1

Your future begins with a dream –don’t be afraid to dream big


Insight #2

Doing good and making money aren’t mutually exclusive –COMBINE THEM


Insight #3

When you’re doing good –you have greater inspiration

to go further


Insight #4

The passion-preneur is fueled byan uncompromising passion for her ideas


Insight #5

Raising money is tricky –when it’s friends and family, consider a convertible note strategy


Insight #6

Hire interns early and often –but, treat and develop them as they were team members

(0.57m) Jen talks about the impact interns have had and how to reward them


Insight #7

Your brand equity is built one interaction at a time –DON’T JEOPARDIZE IT


Insight #8

To grow and scale, you have to let go –stop micro-managing and focus, instead on inspiring your team


Insight #9

Your business valuation is part art and part science –the art is your passion and vision


Insight #10

Respect your client’s inbox –unless your email is going to improve her life, don’t sent it


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