10 Habits From Happy People

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  1. 1. 10
    From Happy People
  2. 2. Happy people have a different way of thinking and doing things. They maintain a positive
    attitude about people, things and life in general. They interpret the world that they live in
    differently than the average person. Here are 10 habits that happy people generally have
    and that express their values and beliefs :
  3. 3. Habit One : Love Yourself
    Be your own best friend. It sounds simple and like a no-brainer but learning to truly love yourself can
    be a challenge. Its absolutely the most essential step in being a happy person. You need to learn to
    enjoy your own company and to embrace everything about yourself. Like who you are on the inside.
    Accept your flaws. Claim the fact that you are a wonderfully flawed human! Pamper yourself.
  4. 4. Today you are You, that is truer
    than true. There is no one alive
    who is Youer than You.-Dr. Seuss
  5. 5. Habit Two : Take Care of Yourself
    As a part of loving yourself, you will take care of your body and health. Get regular medical
    check ups. Eat healthy and work out. Get plenty of rest. Drink lots of water. Exercise your mind
    by continually energizing it with interesting and exciting challenges. When youre not feeling
    well either physically or emotionally, its hard to be happy.
  6. 6. Life is like riding a
    bicycle. To keep your
    balance, you must
    keep moving.
    -Albert Einstein
  7. 7. Habit Three : Love Others
    Love is what makes the world go around. Follow the saying Do unto others, as you would
    have them do unto you. This is simply saying treat everyone with kindness, compassion
    and respect. Love is the basis for ALL happiness. If we love being with someone were
    happy. If we love what we are doing were happy.
  8. 8. Successful people are
    always looking for
    opportunities to help
    people are always asking,
    "What's in it for me?-Brian Tracy
  9. 9. Habit Four : Choose Friends Wisely
    Its your choice with whom you associate with on a regular basis. If you dont want to become
    like someone, then be involved with them as little as possible. Surround yourself with happy,
    positive people who share your values and goals. You want comrades that will build you up
    and help you to accomplish your dreams and goals.
  10. 10. Good friends, good
    books and a sleepy
    conscience: this is
    the ideal life.Mark Twain
  11. 11. Habit Five : Dare to Dream
    Dream BIG!!! Happy people know that when they dream big in every aspect of their life that their life is set in motion to bring their dreams into reality.
  12. 12. Anyone who lives
    within their means
    suffers from a lack
    of imagination.-Oscar Wilde
  13. 13. Habit Six : Do What You Enjoy
    Some statistics show that 80% of people dislike their jobs! No wonder theres so many unhappy
    people running around. We spend a great deal of our life working. Choose a career that you
    enjoy the extra money of a job you detest isnt worth it. Make time to enjoy your hobbies and
    pursue special interests. Doing things you enjoy makes you happier and more productive.
  14. 14. The most important thing is to
    enjoy your lifeto be happy
    it's all that matters.-Audrey Hepburn
  15. 15. Habit Seven : Look to the Future
    Happy people focus on creating the future of their dreams. They take the time to learn the skills
    and strategies to create the outcome they desire. Happy people set their goals, make a plan
    to succeed and take action. We are always happy when we are pursuing something we value.
  16. 16. Be sure you put your feet in the
    right place, then stand firm.
    - Abraham Lincoln
  17. 17. Habit Eight : Accept WhatYou Cannot Change
    Happy people do not waste their thoughts or energy on situations beyond their control.
    They know and accept their limits as a human. This means they dont worry about the
    future and they dont fret over the past.
  18. 18. A life spent making
    mistakesis not only
    more honorable, but
    more useful than a life
    spent doing nothing.
    -George Bernard Shaw
  19. 19. Habit Nine : Embrace an Attitude of Gratitude
    Happy people have an attitude of gratitude. They constantly and consistently count
    their blessings. They see the glass as half full. They have the ability to find the positive
    side to most situations.
  20. 20. It isn't what you have or who you are or where
    you are or what you are doing that makes you
    happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.
    -Dale Carnegie
  21. 21. Habit Ten : Be Proactive
    Happy people instinctively find the area that they can influence. Once their circle of
    influence is found, they begin actively participating in creating the outcome they are
  22. 22. Success is doing what you love the most. Success is personal growth. Success is the knowledge that YOU are NOT alone in the world. It is a loving family and friends. Success is health - to be able to do the simple things in life like
  23. 23. Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very momentis
    the only one you know you have for sure. -Oprah Winfrey
    Thank You Very Much
    Sompong Yusoontorn