Why Should The Auto Transport Industry Use An Electronic On-Board Recorder?


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Why Should The Auto Transport Industry Use An Electronic On-Board

Recorder (EOBR)?

Technology is slow to change in auto transport, and many people in the industry live by the mantra if

isn’t broke, don’t fix it

However, Electronic On-Board Recorder (or EOBR) is a newer device that can change the direction of

the auto industry in terms of logging hours and streamlining the overall process of delivering


It will help hold the auto transport industry accountable for logging an accurate number of

hours—sometimes, companies are known to illegally fudge numbers

The Electronic On-Board Recorder will also ensure that drivers don’t attempt to haul

loads for long periods of time, leaving them exhausted and at-risk for accidents

Managers are also able to access data from the EOBR to make sure that drivers are complying with rules and regulations

Electronic On-Board Recorders aren’t mandatory in the auto transport industry, but this could be the case within a couple years

However, EOBR can cause longer delivery times in the auto transport industry, from the average of 10-14 days to 14-21 days

It could also cause auto transport quotes to increase

Overall, EOBR will improve the safety of auto transport truck drivers and enhance the process

of delivering vehicles all across the country

