Who would be the audience for your media evaluation 4


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Who would be the audience for your Media Product?

By Rhia Assi.

In the research and development part of producing my media product, I identified my target audience for a chart genre magazine to be in the age range 15-30 years old. I feel this age range is appropriate to my media product as I believe this is the age range that listens to this genre of music the most. This is due to chart music often being renowned to be ‘Party’ Music and this age range is often the age range of which party’s a lot as they are at ages where they like to have a good time. I also aimed my media product at both male and female. By doing so It allows me to open up my target audience preventing it becoming a nice limited marketed magazine. Also although some may think chart music is more aimed to a female audience I would beg to differ as there are just as many male listeners to this genre of music. The sales of each issue according to the gender will differ each month due to who I feature as each artist have different fan audiences therefore will allow different set audiences, within my target audience, to buy my media product.

The genre of my magazine plays a massive role in who will be my audience. By it being a Chart magazine, it will aim to those who follow a ‘mainstream’ life style compared to an audience of a indie magazine for instance. Chart music is often filled with pop music and hence when people think chart they think pop and so mainly my audience will listen and like this sort of music, they will also follow a pop way of life. This refers to the way they dress and how they act. Mainly pop artists set trends on the high street and so my audience will like shopping in shops like, Topshop and River Island, where they follow trends pop Artists, like Rihanna have set.

When designing and producing my Media product I had to keep this research in mind to ensure that everything I was doing fitted the style and met the interest of my target audience. I ensured that my music artist ‘Erran’ was modelled appropriately to fit the clothing styles of my genre; high street fashion. The hair style of my artist also fits my genre as it is inspired by existing artists in this genre of music, like Miley Cyrus. I also styled my magazine from inspiration to from an old magazine creating a retro chart felt magazine. I used a bright colour pallet allowing the traditional idea of my magazine genre to be met.