


batteries, earn money

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T h e E m e r g i n g T e c h n o l o g yT h e E m e r g i n g T e c h n o l o g y

Who is Bravo Zulu International

Bravo Zulu International is a multinational Company developing, manufacturing and marketing flight simulators and Battery Restoration Devices.

We have been in business for over 20 years and have successfully designed and manufactured the world’s finest battery de-sulfation device, the MODEL 4800!

WHAT IS THE BATT-RECON Sulfation Elimination

Process? Batt-Recon is the World’s First Commercially viable, Patent Pending lead-acid de-sulfating machine and process. The Machine is the State of the Art Model 4800, which de-sulfates batteries or battery cells from 2-volts to 48 volts.The process involves the precise measuring of internal battery resistance called impedance, which is a result of increased sulfation and lead shorting as the battery ages.

What is Impedance?The increase in a battery’s internal resistance is caused by a combination of sulfation, lead shorting, grid corrosion and other mechanical damage. The measurement of this increased resistance in a battery is called impedance and it takes a special impedance tester to measure increased internal resistance.

BATT-RECON developed a real time impedance testing device on the Model 4800, in addition to the world’s first hand held, field measuring impedance tester capable of measuring an individual motive battery, 2-volt cell. This is important because you can determine the change in cell resistance before and after Sulfation Elimination, thus determining if the cell is serviceable! This is a real “Game Changer” within the motive battery field!

What is Field Optimum Impedance? The field optimum impedance for a 12-volt automotive type of battery varies between approximately 3 and 10 milli-ohms.

For new flat plate motive battery cells, the impedance is typically zero. As the battery cycles it increases about .5 mill-ohms per year of normal operation. The battery is measurably slower on a load test and becomes a “three-hour” battery at about 1.5 milli-ohms of impedance, and ready for replacement as a “1-hour” battery at about 2.5 to 3 mill-ohms.

When BATT-RECON was first developed, even the large battery manufacturers were unable to measure “Field Optimum” battery cell impedance. BATT-RECON is the World Leader in battery impedance testing and REPAIR of the battery, using our Patent Pending Model 4800 Sulfation Elimination System!


From an ecological perspective, each year in North America approximately 96 million batteries are discarded and re-cycled, of which approximately 70% (67 million) are discarded due to sulfation. If one could reverse or prevent Level 2 and Level 3 sulfation, then the average life expectancy of an automotive battery would jump from about 4 years to approximately 6 – 8 years.

Just Imagine!!!

The battery re-cycling industry is about 90 percent efficient, however, that still leaves 9 million batteries that are not recoverable! “Just Imagine” the by-products of the recycling attempt, lead and other heavy metals, plastic, and acid by-products are lost into our air, land and water. “Just Imagine” how much fuel is used to move 97 million batteries to the smelter. “Just Imagine” a world without replacing 67 million batteries every year and the resultant savings to consumers!

What is Battery Sulfation?

As a lead-acid battery cycles between charge and discharge, or simply sits in storage, it begins to form a layer of sulfation on the plates of each cell. This layer prevents the efficient transfer of electrons between the electrolyte and the plate, evidenced by a rise in impedance, causing the battery’s performance to slow and eventually progresses to complete failure of the battery.


With respect to motive batteries, the increasing charge times and lowered usage of the battery, eventually raise the cost of electricity used for each

battery cycle about 10 to 25%, while premature battery replacement costs amount to thousands of dollars for

each battery.

With respect to automotive, golf cart, marine and other like kind batteries, the replacement cost of these batteries costs the American Consumer hundreds of millions of dollars each year!

How does the Battery’s Chemistry Work?

Simply stated, battery electrolyte contains H2SO4, or sulfuric acid, the chemical storage potential of the battery. When electrons flow out of the battery during discharge, H2SO4 breaks apart forming PBSO4 on the lead

plate. During charging, the PBSO4 breaks apart and re-forms H2SO4 electrolyte. When all the electrolyte is successfully re-formed,

we call it Level 1 Sulfation.

Are there Different Types or Levels of Sulfation?

We have determined there are three different levels of sulfation that form on lead-acid battery plates. We characterize them as Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3 sulfation.

What is Level 1 Sulfation?

Level 1 sulfation is the normal process of electrons moving into and out of the battery. Without Level 1, the battery would not charge or discharge. Level 1 is successfully removed and restored to the electrolyte solution by conventional battery charging systems. However, since the battery charging process is not 100% efficient, some of the Level 1 sulfation remains behind attached the internal lead plates. This is referred to as Level 2 Sulfation.

What is Level 2 Sulfation?

Level 2 is Level 1 sulfation left behind in the normal battery charging process. Normal charging does not remove Level 2 sulfation, which reduces the battery’s capacity and performance. Level 2 sulfation causes lengthened charging cycles, incomplete charging and poor battery performance causing premature replacement.

Level 2 sulfation can be easily removed from the lead plates by using the BATT RECON system, thus restoring the battery to a “like new” condition. Level 2 sulfation, left untreated, will eventually form into Level 3 sulfation.

What is Level 3 Sulfation?Level 3 sulfation, typically a crystalline form of PbSO4, results from the continued accumulations of Level 2 sulfation, which imbed sulfate crystals into the battery plates. Once imbedded, sulfate crystals are more difficult to remove and often damage the plates.

As the lead sulfate crystal grows, it tends to induce microscopic cracks into the lead plate surface, further weakening the plate and causing pre-mature battery replacement. Therefore, PREVENTION is the key!


Sulfation Elimination is based upon Pulse Width Modulation because the generation of high amplitude, low frequency electrical waves, provides an “ultra-sonic” type of cleaning action to the battery’s internal plates. Unless the battery has internal damage, this process dissolves the sulfates and restores most batteries that were previously discarded, to a “like new” condition.

How Can you SAVE money using “BATT RECON?”

By reducing the number of batteries you discard and purchase every year. By reducing the charging time of your batteries saving electricity.By increasing the time your operators can use your electrical equipment before recharging the batteries.


“BATT RECON” uses a Patent Pending technology to provide a PULSE WIDTH MODULATION conditioning process to the battery. This technology is based upon high amperage and low frequency pulses of direct current, which induce a resonance within the battery’s internal lead plates. This resonant frequency then allows the lead plates to safely shed the harmful sulfate build ups and return them to solution within the battery electrolyte, increasing the specific gravity and performance of the electrolyte.

How often should I de-sulfate my batteries?

We recommend that batteries be desulfated with the BATT RECON system once a year, depending on the usage of the battery, temperature and other factors. Batteries that are cycled several times a day will have a higher accretion rate of sulfation than those cycled once a day or less. If a battery is seldom physically moved or vibrated, then the electrolyte can form layers of differing specific gravity (electrolyte stratification). This stratification will cause sulfation to occur at a faster rate on one part of the plate than the other.

What types of batteries can be repaired by “BATT RECON?”

The “BATT RECON” system can remove sulfation from wet or “flooded” lead acid batteries (the ones with visible electrolyte sloshing around inside).Valve regulated lead acid batteries (VRLA) sometimes referred to as “Maintenance Free.” Absorbed Gas Mat (AGM) batteries also referred to as “Gel Cells.”

How long does it take to recondition my batteries?

While there are a lot of variables to consider, typically the conditioning cycle takes as little as 20 minutes to 1 hour for a car battery, or several car batteries together “in series.”For a large forklift battery heavily sulfated, it can take as little as 1 to 2 hours to condition. Occasionally, a second or third process (followed by another charging cycle) may be required for heavily sulfated motive batteries.For a typical golf cart, it may take about 1.5 hours to complete all the batteries contained in a 48 volt system.

How long do the benefits of Sulfation Elimination last?

There are numerous variables to consider such as the type of operation, temperature, number of cycles per day, stratification, etc,. As a general rule, however, the sulfation process begins to become noticeable after about 6 to 9 months for the typical operator.Thus, we suggest that you plan on a 12 month interval to prevent the batteries from developing Level 3 sulfation, which greatly reduces the life of your battery.

What kind of savings can I expect using BATT RECON?

Consider forklift batteries that typically cost between $2000 to $12000 dollars to replace. If you can recondition the battery and have it last another 2 to 3 years, then it would save you thousands of dollars on battery replacement costs.If you have a fleet of golf carts, farm machinery or a fleet of commercial trucks, you could also saves thousands every year.

What does it cost to de-sulfate a battery using “BATT RECON?”

The cost per battery will depend on whether you purchase your own system, or use an outside “BATT RECON” service provider. Please contact an authorized BATT-RECON dealer for a purchase price. Since this is a high powered PROFESSIONAL system, all systems must be sold with a service safety course, to train operators on the safe usage of the BATT RECON system.

How does the BATT RECON compare with those battery

additives I have heard about?

The liquid battery additives are typically constituted from a compound called EDTA. EDTA is a “Chelating Agent,” which means it likes to bond to metals, such as lead sulfate from inside your battery. Once the chelating agent bonds to the lead sulfate, it drops to the bottom of the battery case without restoring the sulfur ions back into solution.

How does the BATT RECON compare with those battery

additives I have heard about?

These Chelating Agents have a limited success rate and have little if any effect on restoring the sulfate ions back into solution. They typically require several months to supposedly remove the sulfates, and are very messy requiring measurement of an exact amount of liquid to be put inside the battery. The addition of these additives often voids any battery warranty you might have other wise been eligible for.

Does Equalization Charging Reduce Sulfation?

Having performed hundreds of empirical tests on “Equalized” motive batteries with clients and professional battery repair facilities, even those batteries passing a load test have significant cells with higher than acceptable impedance levels. This is readably observed as a scattered ‘stair step” cell voltage and specific gravity pattern on your load test data sheet. After a short BATTRECON treatment process, the cell voltages and specific gravities are again even and impedance in minimized.

Equalized Motive Battery



l 1C

ell 2


l 3C

ell 4


l 5C

ell 6


l 7C



ell 9


l 10


l 11


l 12


l 13


l 14


l 15


l 16


l 17


l 18


l 19


l 20


l 21


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l 24

48 Volt Flat Plate Motive Battery



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Before After


In difficult economic times, companies are looking for any means to save money, go “Green” and increase efficiency. The BATTRECON System is a real “Game Changer” because for the first time, a commercially viable, measurable system and process has been developed to quickly remove sulfate build up and restore an expensive motive battery to a “like new” condition, at the end-user’s facility! Because of the portability of BATTRECON, companies have installed systems in their warehouses and performed battery restoration themselves, without the expense and logistics of sending their batteries to the battery shop.

BATT-RECON has the WORLD’S only Sulfation Elimination Training School!

BATT-RECON is the World’s first Sulfation Elimination Process, so it’s natural we also set the World Standard for training. Our training program is the only program providing you with both classroom and practical experience in the new Science of Sulfation Elimination! We “Wrote the Book” on sulfation, in fact, provide you with a copy of our copyrighted Model 4800 Operations Manual. This manual represents years of data collection, research and empirical experiments others only dream about. Classroom and practical training, Certification, and setting the World Standard for SULFATION ELIMINATION!

BATT-RECON’S Sulfation Elimination Impedance Training

BATT-RECON’S Sulfation Elimination Process -

Snake Oil or Science?

For years, the motive battery industry has been introduced to different methods of “Sulfation Elimination” from companies who promised battery restoration using small electronic “buzz boxes,” special chargers, capacitors attached to the batteries and special additives to the electrolyte. Those previous attempts were universally rejected by the battery community as scientifically insignificant and often harmful to motive batteries.

The notion of adding a special solution to the electrolyte or attaching a small electronic device to the battery and hoping the battery performs better in the following weeks or months, has been referred to as “Snake Oil” within the industry. All of these previous attempts lack scientific data and evaluation using empirical testing processes and standards.

the entire process from the initial battery evaluation to the conclusion of the sulfation elimination process, is based entirely on an industry accepted scientific approach.

That approach is the field measurement of impedance, which is simply the internal resistance of the battery’s individual cells. As the battery’s impedance increases, the performance decreases. Removing the sulfation immediately lowers the impedance and dramatically restores the battery’s performance!

BATT-RECON: Is a World Class Scientific

Systemic Approach

BATT-RECON STUNS ProMat 2009 Attendees!

ProMat attendees were stunned to realize that large, expensive motive batteries, typically discarded every 4 to 5 years, can now be quickly and safely restored to a “like new” condition by simply measuring and minimizing the effects of sulfation.

In fact, the top engineer from one of the largest battery manufacturers commented that: “… you guys are the first ones to know what you are talking about,” with respect to the battery de-sulfation systems they had previously evaluated.

BATT-RECON: Mobile Battery Repair and

Preventive Maintenance

Why not begin a battery preventive maintenance program


The release of this new technology has begun a new field of business in the battery service and manufacturing sectors. Never before has the capability existed to efficiently recondition and prevent battery damage caused by sulfation!Fortune 500 companies, motive battery shops and forklift repair facilities have chosen to use this system.

Shouldn’t you?