Top 5 Questions To Ask While Buying A Used Car


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Top 5 Questions To Ask While Buying A Used Car

You are searching for a used car but are uncertain of what questions to ask while

buying a used car. Whether you have planned to buy a used car from a dealer or from a

private party, with a little knowledge on what questions to ask when buying a used car

can avoid many disasters. Here are few of those

What is the reason behind the sale of the car?

It is an essential question to ask, but often ignored. Look for a plausible explanation, if

he seems to be nervous with the answer and the answer sounds evasive, be careful.

Has the vehicle been in any accidents?

Cars that have been in previous accidents can bring down the value of the car or cause

future problems for you. If yes, ask about the extent of the damage, the cost of repairs,

and the shop that did the work.

Do you have service records?

Think about the fiscal liability you could inherit if not charily checked and ask for

receipts of any new muffler, tires, brakes, or other “wear” parts that have been replaced.

What is the odometer reading?

A used car mileage helps determine to its value, which will be important during

negotiations. If you see the car and the odometer reads significantly higher, then it's

time to leave.

Is this a certified pre-owned vehicle?

Certified used cars can carry advantages. If it is certified it means that it has been

through an extensive inspection and may come with a warranty. Make sure to see the

certified inspection before purchasing the car.