How To Ready Your Vehicle For Winter


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Temperature is below freezing level

Change The Regular engine oil to thinner or less viscosity

oil as a pre-winter service

Engine Coolant

Engine Coolant not only protects from overheating but

also from corrosion

“Add ethylene glycol to your coolant that protects engine in


Battery System In Winter

“It’s not the engine fault that your vehicle doesn’t start but

also battery capacity may be reduced due to cold“

Make sure to go for checking the battery cables, terminals and fluid for a better

drive in winter

Make sure to check the battery cables for cracks and breaks “There shouldn't be any loose connection”

Winter Tires

Driving without

snow tires is


difficult and

dangerous also

Winter-grade windshield wiper blades

Go for buying all weather floor mats that will

keep your interior dry in winter

Check and restore the lights for better


