Evaluation question technology georgia


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Adobe Premier ProWhen uploading our footage onto Adobe Premier Pro we found that it was difficult to use. In order to use the software successfully we all took the chance to get to know the controls. We first separately edited some footage as practice so when it came to editing all our footage together we knew what we were doing. By doing this it allowed us to create our opening to a higher standard and enabled us to be confident in how to use premier pro. When it came to editing our final piece together we were able to cut shots to size and use different effects and transitions, as well as slowing specific shots down to fit the pace of the opening. For example the lighting on our very first shots were dark and hardly visible, therefore we added a video effect onto them which corrected the problem. Also some shots were shaky as we didn’t use a tripod for every shot as we found it was easier to move and place the camera in specific angles in which we wanted. With this we found we were able to tamper with the speed and duration of each individual shot. Once we had cut down the footage we started looking at transitions which were commonly used in other romance openings. After exploring various openings within the romance genre we discovered most of the transitions used were either straight cuts or fades. We placed these transitions through our opening scenes but however then found that it was all too confusing for the audience and took attention off of what was happening within the scene. Knowing this we decided to make most transitions straight cuts and add the fades in at the beginning and end. We did this to make the opening as a whole seem more smooth.

We found that with our chosen music it did not play well with the shots after cutting to fit each part of the opening. It began to skip in places unintended and would take away the sympathetic tone towards the end shots. Therefore we decided it would be best to edit our music on another software. The software we used is called ‘Mixxx’. One of our group members took on this responsibility to correct the music and fit to the opening.

Adobe After Effects

Before creating our production logo we created a stop motion piece through an app on one of our phones. After receiving feedback we were told that it looked unprofessional due to the background of the piece. We then decided upon using Adobe After Effects to create our production logo, we looked at similar pieces created on the software and took some inspiration from these logos. We wanted our production title to have a glow effect transitioning from letter to letter however, after facing some difficulties we decided to make the entire text glow and fade out towards the end. We found this software most challenging as none of us had used this software before hand and had little time on our hands therefore, we created a simple yet effective production company logo. This adds a more professional element to our romance opening as a whole.

Camera and filmingWhen using the cameras to film we were all confident in how to use them. This being because we had used them in previous tasks throughout the year. We also were all confident in how to use a tripod during filming. Throughout the process of filming we had to make certain decisions to assure our footage was to a high standard. We wanted to vary our shots and use as many different angles and shot types as possibly. To do this we made the decision to film some shots free handed. We found this an advantage as when filming free handed it was easier to position the camera exactly where we wanted. However when editing we found some shots taken free handed were to shaky therefore we had to re film them. For the shots in which we used a tripod we found were easier to film as the camera was steadier. Although it was steadier it was harder to get the angles we wanted when the camera was static.When filming our beginning shots of the phones we found that the reflections coming off the phone stopped the audience from reading the conversations being passed back and forth between the two characters. One issue we faced was the beginning shots of the phones and to overcome this we had to re-do the shots in a darker place in order for there to be less reflections, enabling the audience to read the messages.