Driving and Insurance: The Black Art - John Davidge


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Driving and insurance the black artJohn Davidge

A logical science or a black art?The world of drivingThe world of insurance

Learning to drive or just to pass a test?Micra vs SprinterTown vs countryside?Drivers from other countries?

Bleak House, Broadstairs

David Copperfield - Mr Micawber quote: Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen pounds nineteen shillings and sixpence, result happiness.

Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds nought and six, result misery.

Thanet Building Society

SuccessPersonal financeBusiness financeThe world of insuranceYour claims vs your premiums

If only life was that simple!

Keeping your premium staticRepair costs rising? (Brexit?)Compensation claims rising?Hidden costsMidlands Courier exampleImportant steps for you:Reduce your collision frequencyReduce your collision costsDo you know your starting figures?

Controlling claims costs

early notification of incidents is vital!

Controlling your claims costsYour No. 1 priority notify your insurer now!Get as much detail as possible - nowFull details for third party phone number, their vehicle detailsDriver call insurers claims team - NOWAs many photos as possible

Congestion, pollution, accidents is an inevitable by-product of motor vehicles accidents will happen when you are on the road

its not a problem though, it was the other drivers fault, he pulled out on me

Its all in the mind!

Controlling claim frequency

Setting the scene

NB this is not the video, just a screen shot from it! Brief resume to focus attention. Ask the audience:What type of road is this? What are the speed limits? (NB this is filmed in New Zealand but looks very similar to our roads)How busy is it? How good is visibility for these drivers? Any problem with low sun? Wet roads? Weather?Now watch carefully, think about what you are seeing. Trainer to play twice perhaps so that audience can take it in a second time


Is this bridge difficult to see?Click to add bullet

Low bridge near Long Itchington, Warks next slide

Guess who didnt see the low bridge?Click to add bullet

Low bridge near Long Itchington, Warks a Ford Motor Company car transporter went through the low bridge causing damage to all vehicles on the top deck and the transporter itself.Using Sat-Nav for a short cut? Clearly not paying attention as he would have stopped before hitting the bridge.

Very few drivers go out intending to crash

Even less go on the road every day, intending NOT to crash..

The differences are subtle but significant.

Professional drivers should expect mistakes

New driver training pre-testExperienced business driver Roads Policing team training

Whats the difference?Explanation, demonstration, practise

Do you know your problems?What are your most common incidents?Where do they happen?Why do they happen?

To control a problem you have to understand the problemthen work on it!

being monitoredWhen we know we are being watched

IBM example

Understanding the problemsAll Cardinus trainers undertake induction training Understand common collision patterns how to preventAnd how to inspire driver to want to make changesUnderstanding habit patterns

Our habits

the chains of habit ate too weak to be felt, until they are too strong to be broken

New drivers the 6 points habit

How can we inspire new habits

Inspiring new habitsExcellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.Taking time to change, develop,, encourage good habits, pays of in the long term!

Need to understand the human machineWe can change habits best if we have a clear picture of what we want to changeIt takes time and efforts to do so but the results are well worth itBoard level support is important
