Buying and taking care of your Fiji made vessel


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Designing & Building custom-made Aluminium Boats

for Fiji & The Pacific

Presentation by Christina Monika

Why Buy Our Aluminium Boats???

Aluminium boats last longer. This is because aluminium boats are built to be more solid. The hull is strong and the seams of aluminium boats are welded together. This prevents leaks and the quick separation of joints.

Aluminium boats are lighter. This is because of the materials that these boats are made of. Lighter boats require less engine power (hp) to push it through the water thus you save Money.

The metal used in the building these aluminium boats is easy to fix through aluminium welding , in case it experiences minor damage. Aluminium is flexible thus when boats get dents it can be easily pounded out.

Aluminium can be shaped in various ways and welded. Your boat is wide enough to carry cargo and passengers.

At Fiji Boats the boat is structured in such way to keep it afloat at all times. Aluminium boats have buoyancy tanks. These are air-tight sections at the floor of the boat to keep it afloat if it fills with water or capsizes. These sections prevent the boat from sinking.

Our boats are designed to give safe access to get on and off a boat with a ramp. A Ramp is a walkway attached to a boat that makes it easy to arrive at shore without getting your feet wet and is also useful when unloading cargo from a boat.

Your vessel becomes a life-long investment when taken care of properly. To avoid costly repairs, one must ensure that their boat is checked and maintained regularly. There is a lack of awareness of how important it is to flush out salt water from the vessels. Most boat owners have the motors washed to prevent corrosion, but do not consider the vessel. Your boat needs to be cleaned as well. It is the same as carrying out a car wash. So give your boat a freshwater rinse after every fishing trip. It is also essential to check for cracks, loose fittings or parts that may need attention and get this fixed immediately.

We make all types of aluminium boats. Let us know what kind of boat you would like to have designed and we will build this for you. We also do general welding, fabrication, boat repairs

and boat extensions.

General Purpose Boat

Commercial cargo/fishing boat

Seaweed Harvester

Ferry/Passenger Boat

For further queries and quotes :


(679) 8319734

Address: Lot 1, Forster Road, Walu Bay Suva

G.P.O Box 12723


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