Benefits of buying_a_used_car


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Benefits of Buying a Used Car

Once you have decided to buy a car, the first question which comes in your mind is

whether to buy a new or used car. While new cars of course, have their benefits, like

the best in technology and safety features, buying used has some distinct


Listed out few benefits of buying used car:

Better Price - When you buy a brand new car, it depreciates in value the

minute your drive away with it. Used cars don’t get hit with that initial large

depreciation and retain more of their purchase price value longer.

Options Are Endless – When you buy a used car, you will have a wider

selection of makes, models and brands to choose from and you’re not limited

to models that were released over the past year or two as you would be when

buying new.

Depreciation Benefits - A used car offers a lower depreciation rate

allowing you to preserve more value. You can upgrade features in your

vehicle to increase its value.

Insurance – You will receive a lower cost of insurance if you choose to

buy used cars, because a used car has less value than a newer version.

More Technology For Less Money – As the automotive industry

continues to move forward with more new technologies, used cars continue

to offer the older versions. This means you can get a car that has all the

technological add-ons for significantly lesser amount.

Warranty - Often the warranties for a new car can be transferred to a

second owner. This can give you some peace of mind that if something

breaks; you can get it fixed under warranty.

Majestic Automotive group

499 South Route 130




