YMLP 2013: Photo Scavenger Hunt - Red Hammers



YMLP Olympics: Photo Scavenger Hunt Take a photo of... - A clean toilet - Your team (except for the photographer) in a human pyramid - Four team members making YMCA with their arms - Yourself in front of the British flag (a selfie of the photographer) - The youngest person on your team holding your team’s flag - The number 3 - Your shortest and tallest team members - A bug - Something that is the same color as your team - A person whose name starts with A - Someone who was here last year - A flower - Your entire team’s water bottles - Running water - A drawing of someone on your team - A table made of tree branches - Dirty socks - The chicken dance - The colors of the American flag - Two team members from opposite sides of the country, hugging

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Red Hammers
