Understanding Colors


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Understanding color – Chapter 3 The Sensation of Color

Vision is the most important sense. More than 80% of our sensory experiences are visual.

Threshold The threshold of color vision is the point at which a difference between two similar hues can no longer be discriminated.

An interval is a step of change between visual sensations.


A middle interval can be established between any two parent colors, no matter how different.

The Perception of Color Color plays an important, but secondary role in recognition.

Sensation Perception

Understanding how we see

design applications

Physiology: Responding to Light

Actually, it’s the brain that tells us what we are seeing.

Healing and Color The eye is not the only organ that responds to light. Light is also absorbed through the skin .

Red energizes heart and blood circulation, it builds up the blood and heightens a low blood pressure .

Helps strengthen the nerves and the mind. It also energizes the muscles .

Cools down fever, high blood pressure, stops bleedings, reliefs the bursting headaches .

Synaesthesia synaesthesia are involuntary biologic responses of the body to a stimulus of light .

There are reports of blind persons (and others) who are able to determine the colors of objects through touch .

Each individual holds in memory a personal picture” of the meaning of each color name .

Naming Colors

Color as Language: From Name to Meaning

Colors are used as symbols. Symbolic colors have formalized meanings for specific populations.

Example: White, the bridal color of the West, is identified as the color of mourning in India .

School buses and rain slickers are

yellow as a reminder to

exercise caution.

An octagonal green traffic sign that said

“STOP” would be misperceived and delay

response with potentially fatal results

Made by : Khaled Almusa
