The benefits of corporate videos for your business



Corporate videos can help with advertising and marketing, corporate videos can be used as a presentation to the business partners and investors.

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The benefits of corporate videos for

your business

Using a corporate video can have many applications for a business. Corporate videos can help with advertising and marketing, corporate videos can be used as a presentation to the business partners and investors. Corporate videos can also be used as a personal and honest look into the inner-workings of your company, giving customers or potential business partners the feel of transparency that allows them to trust you.

1. It helps you to stay ahead of your competitors

Google loves videos. A website is 53 times more likely to appear on Google’s first page if it contains a video. Investing in a corporate video will help you stay one step ahead of the competition by appearing higher up those all important search rankings.

2. Showcase Your Business

A corporate video lets your company show off your product or services. There are many other methods to do so: print, catalogue, 'about us' page of your website, etc. But having a video clearly draw the picture in the viewers mind and help viewers to relate to your business.

3. It is free to market these videos online

Once you have made an initial investment in creating a corporate video then it is absolutely free to market these sites online as there are numerous Videos sharing sites such as- YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, etc. You can also distribute your video via your company Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages – all of which are also completely free.

4. It will expand your reach

Nowadays social media has become a wide platform for any business. These are billion of users on social media sites such as Facebook, twitter, Linkedin, etc. If you do not have your presence on social media then you are missing out on a massive potential target audience.

5. It helps in increasing viewers engagement

If you use a corporate video for your business, then viewers are more likely to engage with your brand through a video. A video is 10 times better than a written text. Online video also encourages viewers to spend more time on a business website.

6. It helps in building your Brand

Using video can help your organization project a positive image. Video can also help your company increase brand visibility.

7. Generate more interest

Videos are always the best way to Generate interest of the Customer in your product as videos includes a mixture of text, Image and sound so it can easily attract more visitors.

8. Highlight company’s achievements

Corporate videos are a big asset for your business. Corporate videos are really helpful in highlight all the achievements of your company and highlight the performance of your company.

Cinimage is a contemporary creative film production studio in Bangalore that creates personalized experiences across the realms of video production and animation.


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