Something old, something new




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Something Old, Something NewMichael Lobel

It all started with Rauschenberg in the 50’s

• The incorporation of mechanically printed, often popular images into works of fine art, particularly paintings.

• A postmodern shift• The artist is concerned with techniques of

reproduction ( and not production).


Mechanical repro vs the unique creative actForget: signature style, now photographic art or

mark making; cult of the individual• A low tech regression using photography not

to refine painting but to emphasize qualities of awkwardness/ historical anachronism

• Neo-dada- reassembling and arranging not creating


• With Cage- inking the tires of a car and printing on paper; collaborative and automatic

• Combines scraps of everyday materials from newspapers to printed fabrics etc

• 1958 photo transfers: imbedding the image on the surface- images from Sports Illustrated or Life Magazine

• 34 Cantos of Dante’s Divine Comedy: Inferno

Rauschenberg, Mint, 1974


• Rubbing or frottage technique creates a gesture. …gives a relationship with other abstract expressionists like Motherwell and Kline.

• Likes the old, discarded things, a quilt, rusted metal, colors of transfer drawings are faded,

• Shuttle between past and present in imagery


• 60’s: photography and painting come together, the photo silkscreen

• Reproduce popular imagery through a commercial technique

• Change in scale; light tones drop out; repetition of the image by using the screen again, and again

• The celebrity as an icon; relationship between celeb and politics

Andy Warhol, Jackie, 1964, acrylic and silkscreen ink on linen


• Imperfection• Irresolution• Awkwardness• The desire to be a machine• Undermines machine-made: efficiency,

streamlined, alignment


• Former billboard painter• Fragmentary images from print

advertisements• Pop art consumer goods....the quasi

photomechanical techniques in a fine art context

• Outmoded Life Magazine images,; grisaille techniques

Artschwager and Morely

• Gridding the found photograph; painting each square , indifferent to the whole

• A: painting on celotex a building material-rough, textured surface which visually enlarges the surface support

• Banal, anti-expressive
